
Doritos n' Riddles

Hey! What's up? Eatin' Doritos n' postin' on your blog? That's what Im doing. I made up a riddle:
Is it possible for Dave to marry his mom's mother's daughter's son's father's sister's niece? Answer on 4/24. See ya!

PS Answers to last 2 riddles:
4/08 The room with the lions because if they have not eaten for a year they are dead.

4/14 The carnival worker did exactly what he said he would- he wrote "Your exact weight" on the piece of paper.


Suzanne Akemi said...

Yes? Is this "Dave" someone in your family :)

Isabella said...

No, I don't know a Dave... it's just a riddle

Bill said...

That's pretty clever about "your exact weight."