
Tidbits. :)

here's some RaNdOm tidbits of rAnDoM info. not really info, but just rAnDoM tidbits. get ready for RaNdOmNeSs.

my math teacher gives us worksheets. you have to find the answers and there's letters with the answers and the letters always spell out the answer to a really LAME JOKE. they're so lame that they're funny though. here's some......
• What happened when their was a kidnapping at Bizarre Middle School?
The teacher woke him up.
• Why did the writer like living in her basement?
It was a best cellar.
• What did the critic say about the Australian restaurant?
It had great "koala-tea."
• Why did the zookeeper get fired for feeding the monkeys?
He fed them to the lions.
• Did you hear about...
The writer who dropped ten stories into a trash can and lived?
• How do you make a vegetable necklace?
String beans.

For most of them, you should read them aloud to understand them better.

Haikus-- the first, i wrote with my English class, the second and third, i made myself.

Full of luscious plants
Monkeys swing from tree to tree
Colorful birds soar

Full of mighty waves
Crashing against the white sand
Fish swim in and out

Open up, rosebud
Let me see your pink petals
Beautiful pink rose

Limericks-- i wrote them both in English. By myself. My English and math teachers and my friends thought "Jack" was hilarious. you can kinda tell that we're doing a poem unit in English :)

Bob and His Cob
There was a young boy named Bob
Who dropped his corn on the cob
On the floor
Near the door, so he went to the store
To buy a new corn on the cob.

There was a young boy named Jack
Who, in his mom's vase, made a crack.
Mom yelled and she screamed
But Jack, he just beamed
For a brain is what he did lack.

That's all for now. i'll see ya next time on....

Posted via email from izzy-b's posterous