

Yay! It's September!
Boo! School starts in a week!
Yay! I'm starting fifth grade!
Boo! It's gonna be hard!
I could just do this yay/boo thing all day. I should have, like, a whole day dedicated to that. Yeah, I should do that. On the first day of every month, a Yayboo Fest, I list awesome things and not awesome things, one for each day. And that is in addition to the celebrity birthdays.
Anyway, the answers to the riddles. Thanks to missus_raroo (twitter.com/missus_raroo) for answering to the GRY riddle on twitter. You were right, missus_raroo! The answer to the GRY riddle is...
So, after the two sentences that throw you off, you have "There are only three words in the english language. What is the third word?" Highlight "the english language". The third word in "the english language" is language. Good job, missus_raroo!

Answer to the apples riddle:
The fourth girl took the basket with the apple in it, so the apple was still left in the basket.

Again, Thanks to missus_raroo for answering to the GRY riddle!!!!!

-Izzy :)


Suzanne Akemi said...

Hey, I'm glad I got the riddle! These riddles really do make my head hurt...too much thinking!!! ;)

I hope you had a good first day of school today!

Isabella said...

Oh, i did. I'm posting about it in 10, 9...