
100TH POST!!!!

When I saw "99 posts, last posted whenever," I was like, "YES!!!! Special 100th post!"
The 1st special thing of the special 100th post...
I memorized the Preamble! ....
We the People of the United States in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Right off the top of my head.
The 2nd special thing of the special 100th post...
I am listening to Taylor Swift on my iPod. She is awesome. Did you guys hear about her and Kanye West at the VMAs? I heard she cried backstage.
The third special thing about the special 100th post...
WE ARE GETTING A MINIVAN!!!! Our old car broke down.
The 4th special thing about the special 100th post...
Izzy's Blog is going to have a new game. I am going to give a small excerpt of one of the latest songs, and you have to guess who sings it and what the song is.
The 5th special thing about the special 100th post...
The song excerpt of the week is...
"She wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts, she's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers..."
Post your answers in a comment, by next week, the 25th.
The 6th special thing about the special 100th post...
Our first field trip! In October, 5th graders are going to the Air Show.
The 7th special thing about the special 100th post...
Auditions for my ballet school's performance of The Nutcracker were held. The parts, which were posted on Wednesday, are... I don't know what they are. Anyway, the parts I got... I dropped 3 parts since last time. Last year I was a Russian corps, an angel, a pollichinelle, a soldier, and a party scene boy. This year I am still a Russian and Party Scene, but I'm a girl this year. I dropped pollichinelle, angel, and soldier, and gained the part as a girl in party scene. My sister auditioned and she is a polichinelle. It's her 1st year.
The 8th special thing about the special 100th post...
IT'S THE 100TH POST!!!!!!!!!!


marc said...

yippeeee! 100th post! you're such a good writer.

Suzanne Akemi said...

Congrats on your 100th posting!

I don't know the name of the song, but isn't it the Taylor Swift one where she dresses a little nerdy and exchanges notes with the neighbor she's in love with through their windows?