
Catchin' Up

I can't believe it's June already. I have been not believing it for the past 3 days now. Gosh, what am I gonna do early in the morning in 1... 2... 3... 12 days? The last day of school is on a Monday. Which is SO stupid! So, catch up on the latest news....
I found a new website. Check it out here.
I just finished the best book ever, Ruby Holler.
I am so excited for the last day of school!!!!!
I got cut by a razor blade Sunday Night. It still kind of stings when I touch it.
On Tuesday, we were playing Capture The Flag during PE. It was Boys vs. Girls. Me and my friend were both trying to tag a guy, and we collided and bumped our heads on each others. I now have a bruise on my forehead and pain in my wrist.
That's it for today. Check out the "McDonald's" and "Chicken Head" articles on the first website. :)


Bill said...

Cut by a razor blade!? Scary!

CutByARazorBladeVictim (isabella) said...

Yeah, it was... and still is. :(