
More Riddles!!!!

I found a riddle site with more than 800 riddles & you can even submit your own!
The answer to the last riddle is: I am a soul (soul music). I just can't get enough riddles!!! What about you guys?
I was daydreaming today, and I was thinking of things every class room in the district should have more than just enough... it should have...
- An indoor pool (cuz it was SOOOOO hot today!)
- Waterproof textbooks, worksheets, and pencils to do work in the pool
-Air conditioning
-A laptop for everyone
-A table with money you can take for lunch/pizza if you don't want to buy lunch (yum...)
-A dance floor
-A snack table with snacks such as skittles, crackers, & cookies
-Access to any website you want (no sites prohibited)
AND last but not least,
-A magic book bin for each student- you write down the name of a book/series you want to read and it automatically appears with no charges to ANYONE!
Next riddle- I come in different shapes and sizes. Part of me is curvy, my other part is straight. You can put me anywhere, anyway you want but I only have 1 place just right for me. What am I?
Answer is being posted on 4/27! 1 Week!!!!!


Suzanne Akemi said...

I dunno...a paper clip? Also, I like your classroom suggestions. I love how you put in about having waterproof items to be practical about the swimming pool in the classroom :) I also like the magic book dispenser idea. That would be awesome!

Isabella said...

(PS The answer is a puzzle piece)