

Yesterday we were looking at pictures on our Wii from our mom's trip to Mexico. There were some really funny pictures. There was one of my mom's teenage cousin making her hair look all puffy and bouffant-y like Jackie O's. Then there was the 50-years birthday girl being thrown into the pool in her backyard, and a picture of her butt because my mom said that it was right next to her- why?- and she thought it was funny.
When the picture of my aunt's rented house in Ensenada came up, there was quite the conversation.
Me: " Why does her rented house say CIA?"
Mom: "It's not that kind of CIA."
My sister who knows how to spell her name, pool, daddy, mommy, love, you, I, and A: "How do you spell CIA?"
Mom: "CIA."
Me to myself: "Could it not be more obvious?" *burst out laughing* "That is THE weirdest question I have ever heard!"

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