

I don't really have anything to write, I just felt I owe you guys something because I haven't posted in 4 days. I've thought about it, but my cousin was over for the weekend. We had gone to the doctor's with my nana, and her head was hurting so we dropped her off at home and picked my cousin up from her after school program. Yes, she goes to a year round school. That sucks! They start school in August and get out in July! They barely have like 3 weeks for Summer Break! The only good part about year round is they get like a month for winter break. Hmm. I wish we could go swimming! It's hot! It's 7, and still is 95 degrees out. !!!!!!
Hey, is anyone sad out there? Need a band aid? (::()::) A flower? @-->--- Some cookies? @@@@ A hug? (((((you)))))

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