
My Silly Brother

Hey guys. How was your fourth of July? Our family camped out all day at a park. But that's not my point right now.
I tell my brother to say the name of my favorite singer, Demi Lovato. "Diddy Din-VAH-to."
He wants to play my Hannah Montana Wii Game, " I wan to play Isabella's Hannah Mennamentana geem."
He has been potty training lately, and one day I went to take the recycling out, he wanted to come. So he put his froggy boots on (the wrong feet, of course) and came with me. The recycling bins were outside our apartment gates, so he stayed in the complex while I went out to dump our bin. I come back, open the gate, step in, "Isabella I peed on my WEG." (leg) I say, "Bubby, why?"
"Because I wannit to." (wanted) Later, he has 2 more accidents, to add to his 2 he had already had. Me and Mom go out to buy Pull Ups for him, he has NO accidents, and when we come home, my little sister says, "Mommy! Bubby pooped in his pants!"

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