
My abs hurt...

Physical fitness testing has begun... :P
Yesterday in PE we started the physical fitness testing... now my mom acted as if I was crazy when I said this... and had to do 75 sit ups, curl ups, whatever ya call 'em to a cadence. We were set up into groups of 3- 1 person doing the curl ups, 1 doing the counting... this person's feet were to be touched when the curl up-er came down, and the last person making sure the curl up-er was coming up to the right spot.
First, Nick (I believe I have mentioned him before) volunteered to show the class what to do while our PE teacher, Mrs. Emerson was telling him what to do. Then the whole class did it... 'Oh dear,' I thought, 'I do NOT want to do this....' But I did it. After you missed 2 times, you were out. Some people were out like that. Others did at least 50. Like me. I did ALL SEVENTY FIVE. (I felt if I spelled it out, it would be more dramatic.) Yay me. It burned A LOT after. I cried. I do not know why. I think it's because whenever I do something super hard, and then I do it THOROUGHLY, and everyone's happy for me, and they clap, I cry... either out of physical pain or emotional happiness.
Then, Sophia did hers... after 57 she was out. Then we did Gabe because Nick was in my group and he already did it. He did 19....
My sister just told me that a guy in her KINDERGARTEN class said I'm hot and sexy.... ????????????
And I got a cell phone on Monday for my birthday on Saturday. :)

Posted via email from izzy-b's posterous

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