
Early riddle answers.

Watching the Oscars.
Deciding to give you the riddle answers early.
Thanking John Plange for answering the riddles on izzy-b's posterous.
Also thanking no one for answering on Izzy's (Awesome) Blog!!!!
Telling you the answers now.

Riddle 1--
(The maker doesn't need it, the buyer doesn't use it, the user doesn't know it.) I am talking about a coffin. Ya know, for dead people.

Riddle 2--
(Greater than God, more evil than the devil, the poor have it, the rich don't need it, if you eat it, you will die) Nothing. Well, think about it.

Riddle 3--
(Beginning of eternity, end of time and space, the beginning of the "end" and the end of every space) The letter "E".

Riddle 4--
(What goes around the world while managing to stay in a corner) A postal stamp stays in the corner of an envelope.

Riddle 5--
(David went out for a walk, it started to rain, he had no umbrella, no hair on his head got wet) He had no hair on his head. His bald head must've gotten very wet though.

Riddle 6--
(An ancient invention still used today that helps people see through walls) It is a window.

Riddle 7--
(Sally and her brother were fighting and their mother made them stand on a piece of newspaper in a way that they couldn't touch each other) They were on opposite sides of a closed door.

Thanking John Plange again for answering the riddles.
Thinking, "John sure must've either put a lot of thought into these or visited the site."

Posted via email from izzy-b's posterous

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