
My Brother Tristan by Isabella Rosete

My brother's name is Tristan James Rosete. He was born on June 11th, 2006. He is 9 months old. His name is Tristan, as you know, but sometimes we call him Bubb or Bubba or Tristy, that is what my dad calls him. My brother was born in this hospital: UCSD, in Hillcrest. He was so cute when me and my sister first saw him! He was sleeping when we first saw him! My dad went with my mom to the hopital so Nana stayed with us. I don't know too much sign language so if she asked me something, if I knew it I would say it in sign language or I would write it down. I cannot believe that my brother is almost one year old. I like my brother so on his birthday, right when he wakes up, I will celebrate him since I love him oh-so-much! ! ! My brother is the best one I've ever had, even though he is the first one I ever had. I can't believe my brother only has just 3 whole months to go before he is completely 1 year old. And I can't believe he has 15 complete whole months to go before he is two complete whole years old! Can you believe it? Did I say I CAN NOT believe IT? YES! Yes I did... oh yeah. One day I asked my mom if we could call Tristan T. J. since his first initials were T. and J. Remember? Tristan: T. James: J. And guess what? She said maybe. So... that's why we call him Bubb. And guess what? In Bubb's future, I see even more nicknames for him- just until he's - ah, just about - I say just one, or maybe until two, years old. Yep. Yeppo! I can't believe that I just predicted that! Predicted what? That I see more nicknames for Bubb in his future until he's one or two years old. I love my brother oh-so-much. He is the cutest thing ever!

The End

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