Was just watching Ni Hao, Kai-Lan with my brother. "Look! Some dandelions! I call them poofyheads. Let's blow the poofyheads, blow blow blow!"
P.S. I just got a homemade haircut. :)
P.P.S. My mom's playing Super Mario Brothers on the Nintendo DS for the kids.
P.P.P.S. Super Mario Brothers = most intense game on the planet.
P.P.P.P.S. Does anyone have any tips on how to get past the second level, with the guy on the floating cloud, in the second world (in the Desert) ???? Like 2 of you video game people that I know have this game....
Never mind... my mom got past it... but, ah, Level 5... oh, I can't get past it! And the castle --- !!!!!
Yesterday we were looking at pictures on our Wii from our mom's trip to Mexico. There were some really funny pictures. There was one of my mom's teenage cousin making her hair look all puffy and bouffant-y like Jackie O's. Then there was the 50-years birthday girl being thrown into the pool in her backyard, and a picture of her butt because my mom said that it was right next to her- why?- and she thought it was funny.
When the picture of my aunt's rented house in Ensenada came up, there was quite the conversation.
Me: " Why does her rented house say CIA?"
Mom: "It's not that kind of CIA."
My sister who knows how to spell her name, pool, daddy, mommy, love, you, I, and A: "How do you spell CIA?"
Mom: "CIA."
Me to myself: "Could it not be more obvious?" *burst out laughing* "That is THE weirdest question I have ever heard!"
When the picture of my aunt's rented house in Ensenada came up, there was quite the conversation.
Me: " Why does her rented house say CIA?"
Mom: "It's not that kind of CIA."
My sister who knows how to spell her name, pool, daddy, mommy, love, you, I, and A: "How do you spell CIA?"
Mom: "CIA."
Me to myself: "Could it not be more obvious?" *burst out laughing* "That is THE weirdest question I have ever heard!"
Funny :)
My mom just came back from Mexico: Saturday, her aunt's Hawaiian-themed birthday party, Sunday, her nine-month pregnant cousin's baby shower.
A couple of weird-in-a-funny-way things my brother has said today:
While we were getting out of the car to go to our great-uncle's house: "I want to go to wieners house."
After my mom changed the radio channel to something more appropriate: "Mommy that guy was singing about 'sexy'."
A couple of weird-in-a-funny-way things my brother has said today:
While we were getting out of the car to go to our great-uncle's house: "I want to go to wieners house."
After my mom changed the radio channel to something more appropriate: "Mommy that guy was singing about 'sexy'."
Kentucky Fried Cruelty
I found a website called www.kentuckyfriedcruelty.com. It rebels against the fact that KFC scalds chickens alive and causes them to grow so big so fast they can barely move. 5 members of KFC's own animal welfare board quit their jobs in disgust. Look, here's a KFC sign I made:

You can make one too. Pledge to boycott KFC, and sign P!NK's petition to "kick the buckets."
Play the game "Super Chick Sisters" (instead of Super Mario Brothers) and help crush Colonel Sander (instead of Bowser).
You can make one too. Pledge to boycott KFC, and sign P!NK's petition to "kick the buckets."
Play the game "Super Chick Sisters" (instead of Super Mario Brothers) and help crush Colonel Sander (instead of Bowser).
Today the family went on a shopping spree. First we went to Old Navy, and I got; 2 grayish capris- 1 of them looks like yoga pants. I also got a pair of salmon bermuda shorts, a super short pair of pajama shorts, a gray v-necked heart patterned shirt, a white crocheted-collar tank top, a white short sleeve shirt with orange, pink and red flowers, and two ribbed tank tops- salmon and teal. Then at Gap, I got; an orange "(practically) PERFECT" shirt, a white pineapple patterned tank top, and a long sleeved pink shirt with a girl Smurf on it saying, Holla! My sister got a pair of Vans in black, 2 pairs of brown shorts, a khaki pair, white leggings, jean capris, a green braided-collar short sleeve shirt, a pink v-neck shirt, a pink "BE YOURSELF" shirt, a pink cupcake shirt, a brown "Big Talker Champion Shopper Chat Happy" shirt, and a blue, purple, and green dress. She LOVES her some pink, that girl!
We have some Converse on hold at Famous Footwear. For her some Velcro-strap shoes in magenta, for me, the usual- black regular. My dad got some 8 plain T shirts or so. When we were at Famous Footwear, my brother put on some way big (for him at least) Hannah Montana shoes, and he would NOT take them off. At least he didn't cry when he had to take them off.
When we were at one of the malls, there was a Wetzel's Pretzels- well, 2 actually- and we got a sample at one, and they were SO GOOD! It was like a cinnamon roll, but in pretzel form- but smaller :( -it made me want to have a second at the other Wetzel's as we passed by it, but the guy was serving someone and the samples were for him to give out and not for us to take- again, :( -so we just passed it by.
My mom took pictures of us with each individual piece of clothing to send to our grandma who lives in Ohio, because she gave us the money for the clothes. Thanks, Grandma!
We have some Converse on hold at Famous Footwear. For her some Velcro-strap shoes in magenta, for me, the usual- black regular. My dad got some 8 plain T shirts or so. When we were at Famous Footwear, my brother put on some way big (for him at least) Hannah Montana shoes, and he would NOT take them off. At least he didn't cry when he had to take them off.
When we were at one of the malls, there was a Wetzel's Pretzels- well, 2 actually- and we got a sample at one, and they were SO GOOD! It was like a cinnamon roll, but in pretzel form- but smaller :( -it made me want to have a second at the other Wetzel's as we passed by it, but the guy was serving someone and the samples were for him to give out and not for us to take- again, :( -so we just passed it by.
My mom took pictures of us with each individual piece of clothing to send to our grandma who lives in Ohio, because she gave us the money for the clothes. Thanks, Grandma!
BEST Dentist's Office EVER!
So, yesterday, our brother had a dentist's checkup and his dentist has THE coolest waiting room ever. The walls were painted bright colors, and they had a TV that actually played movies, it was never off. They had at least 200 magazines and books that weren't broken in one way or another, nice seating, and it was very kid friendly. It's not like the dental groups, where everything is like solid colors. They also had 3 Playstations. Well, that's it for now, so bye!
Today I went to the dentist and got 2 sealants - but I have to get 2 more- and a cavity (molar) filling. It feels so weird, being numb in your mouth. When the dentist gave me the mouthwash, it was like falling out of my mouth, I was so numb. I felt so embarrassed, and retarded too, because I couldn't use mouthwash the right way.
And now, because of my cavity, I can't chew on that side, but it's my dominant side! And, when he cleaned my teeth, the stuff he used "is gonna be really sandy," and he wasn't kidding, it SO was! It was like, just sand mixed with like salt or something. WHAT THE HECK WAS IT???? TELL MEEEEEEE!!!!! If you know.
Whenever I touch the sealant on my right side, it feels like it's gonna POP OUT.
And now, because of my cavity, I can't chew on that side, but it's my dominant side! And, when he cleaned my teeth, the stuff he used "is gonna be really sandy," and he wasn't kidding, it SO was! It was like, just sand mixed with like salt or something. WHAT THE HECK WAS IT???? TELL MEEEEEEE!!!!! If you know.
Whenever I touch the sealant on my right side, it feels like it's gonna POP OUT.
So Sad :(
I just learned the other day I have to get braces. It's because of my "major overbite". I put the air quotes because the dentist said that. Just kidding, but it would be funny if she did. So sad. :( !!!!
Also, last night my mom went to go see Harry Potter at midnight with Asia (from Fair Day) and our dad was watching us. Me and my sister had just gone to bed, and 10 minutes later I hear my brother giggling so that means he and my dad were having some nice, quality time. It makes me feel... I don't know, it just makes me feel.
Also, last night my mom went to go see Harry Potter at midnight with Asia (from Fair Day) and our dad was watching us. Me and my sister had just gone to bed, and 10 minutes later I hear my brother giggling so that means he and my dad were having some nice, quality time. It makes me feel... I don't know, it just makes me feel.
I don't really have anything to write, I just felt I owe you guys something because I haven't posted in 4 days. I've thought about it, but my cousin was over for the weekend. We had gone to the doctor's with my nana, and her head was hurting so we dropped her off at home and picked my cousin up from her after school program. Yes, she goes to a year round school. That sucks! They start school in August and get out in July! They barely have like 3 weeks for Summer Break! The only good part about year round is they get like a month for winter break. Hmm. I wish we could go swimming! It's hot! It's 7, and still is 95 degrees out. !!!!!!
Hey, is anyone sad out there? Need a band aid? (::()::) A flower? @-->--- Some cookies? @@@@ A hug? (((((you)))))
Hey, is anyone sad out there? Need a band aid? (::()::) A flower? @-->--- Some cookies? @@@@ A hug? (((((you)))))
They're BA-AACK!
Hey everybody, what's up? Nothin' much 4 me, just went to the doctor's today because of my hives I've had lately. They were gone there, which was at like 11. Now they're BACK! Ugh!!!! They're under the side of my knee, and in this HUGE blotch (and a couple of tiny ones too) on my upper thigh, and they itch like CRAZY! Oh god, now they're on the top of my leg. I HATE HIVES.
Well time to go so BYE!!!!!!!
Well time to go so BYE!!!!!!!
My Silly Brother
Hey guys. How was your fourth of July? Our family camped out all day at a park. But that's not my point right now.
I tell my brother to say the name of my favorite singer, Demi Lovato. "Diddy Din-VAH-to."
He wants to play my Hannah Montana Wii Game, " I wan to play Isabella's Hannah Mennamentana geem."
He has been potty training lately, and one day I went to take the recycling out, he wanted to come. So he put his froggy boots on (the wrong feet, of course) and came with me. The recycling bins were outside our apartment gates, so he stayed in the complex while I went out to dump our bin. I come back, open the gate, step in, "Isabella I peed on my WEG." (leg) I say, "Bubby, why?"
"Because I wannit to." (wanted) Later, he has 2 more accidents, to add to his 2 he had already had. Me and Mom go out to buy Pull Ups for him, he has NO accidents, and when we come home, my little sister says, "Mommy! Bubby pooped in his pants!"
I tell my brother to say the name of my favorite singer, Demi Lovato. "Diddy Din-VAH-to."
He wants to play my Hannah Montana Wii Game, " I wan to play Isabella's Hannah Mennamentana geem."
He has been potty training lately, and one day I went to take the recycling out, he wanted to come. So he put his froggy boots on (the wrong feet, of course) and came with me. The recycling bins were outside our apartment gates, so he stayed in the complex while I went out to dump our bin. I come back, open the gate, step in, "Isabella I peed on my WEG." (leg) I say, "Bubby, why?"
"Because I wannit to." (wanted) Later, he has 2 more accidents, to add to his 2 he had already had. Me and Mom go out to buy Pull Ups for him, he has NO accidents, and when we come home, my little sister says, "Mommy! Bubby pooped in his pants!"
I Got That
Boom boom pow, them chicken jackin' my style they try to copy my swagger...
I love that song.
I love that song.
It's July!
Hi everyone, IT'S JULY! Yay! I don't know why I'm so hyped up about that. Wait- I got mail. Ooh, I got mail! I got mail, yay! Do you got mail? (Yes I got mail) I got mail too yaaay! I got mail I got mail I got mail I got mail I got mail YAAAAY! God, I LOVE that! It's so funny! You guys should really check that out- Special Ed on I Got Mail. Oh, the funny things in life. Oh how I love all those funny little things in life.
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