

Sorry I didn't post yesterday, I was at my friend's house. We had so much fun! We did our nails (mine being black), jumped on her HUMONGO trampoline, played on the computer, and played hide and seek with her mom and brother. Her mom was talking on the phone when we asked her to play hide and seek with us. She didn't find us for a long time, because we hid in her closet, behind a bunch of long dresses against the wall. Speaking of phones, can you read what this says, in IM-ese?
OMG, he jst lke totally L @ me OL! Like so mbarrasing 2 the xtreme. BTW, r u bringing ur dog 2 my house? Im goin 2 L's pty, R U? OK bye:)


Bill said...

IM-ese is almost a "real" language of its own, huh?

Isabella said...

kind of, yeah!! :)