
Riddle Answers

Thanks to everyone who answered the riddles. Suzanne Akemi, marc, and KeriJane, you got them right! Good job! The answer to Riddle #1 is the lady takes the goat across, takes the cabbage, and brings the goat back, takes the fox, then takes the goat back again. The answer to riddle #2 is ... He rode on a horse named Friday. Again, thanks to everyone who commented! Here are too cool optical illusions. Post your comments! {images from moillusions.com}

1 comment:

Isabella said...

about the illusions...
the top- it is not animated. Look in the center of one of the spirals and you will most likely see one of the others moving slowly in a circular motion.
middle- in brown you will me but if you look through me you will see you!
bottom- in black there is good but through good there is evil!