Christmas. It's late, I know, I'm sorry.
I got a lot of stuff for Christmas.
In my stocking:
A Toblerone, Santa Snickers, Trident Layers Strawberry/Citrus gum, a big green M&M (as big as the palm of my hand!) filled with regular M&Ms, and a "Magic Santa" ornament from Santa.
From Santa:
The ornament.
From Mom/Dad:
A purple striped shirt, skinny jeans, diamond earrings, and peace sign earrings.
From sister & brother:
Scribblenauts (a game for Nintendo DS/ DSi)
From Grandma:
Gardening Mama (for Nintendo DS), a Nintendo DSi (!!!!!!!!!! My dad helped fund it), and a bracelet.
From my uncle:
A $35 gift card for Target.
From my aunts:
A bag from Auntie Mary, and $33 from Auntie Myrna. Then we went to my mom's brother's house. The one whose birthday was 5 days ago. My mom's family was there, like her nieces and nephews and sister and brother.
From my uncle's kids, my uncle, and his wife:
A jewelry kit, some jewelry, 4 books in a series, and a learn to knit kit.
From my aunt's kids, my aunt, and her BFF:
The mishap. My brother, who just wanted to open presents and didn't care who they were actually for, opened one of mine which was a box with a shirt, scarf (which is so cute!!!!), and 3 pairs of boyshorts. Everyone in the room started laughing, especially when my brother held them up and said, "For me?" I buried my face in my hands and died laughing a little with my family. A ballerina music box, too. Can't forget a pink ballerina music box.
From my Nana:
A striped scarf with matching fingerless gloves with that little pouch you can pull over your fingers, and 2 pairs of super soft homemade pajama shorts (my mom picked out the fabric). Then, yesterday, we went shopping, at Target (where I bought a black fedora with a peacock feather), then Sports Authority, then home, then we rested awhile while Dad went to Costco to get our flat tire fixed, then me & mom went to UTC so we could go to Pottery Barn Kids and Anthropologie, then we went to Borders, bought a cream-cheese-filled herb pretzel, and ate it while mom read "Dead Until Dark", the True Blood story, and I read some celebrity magazines, which I really really enjoy. Well that's all for now. Look at all this! =) Feedback...
What did YOU get for Christmas? Did you do any after-Christmas shopping? If so, what'd ya get?
2 more days!!!!!
New colors! (Again)
I changed the colors of Izzy-B's Holiday Blog!!!! again.
Thanks to http://kuler.adobe.com, I found cool colors that go together and are easier to read.
I don't have much other news, except for maybe...
The 12 Days of Christmas Countdown by http://awkwardfamilyphotos.com/ !
Beginning today, there will be a "Feedback" topic at the bottom of the page. You can comment on it, or you can just think of an answer in your head.
I just wanted to say you guys are the best.
What do you think about the new color scheme on Izzy-B's Holiday Blog?
I am obsessed with that word.
My nails are glittery and glamorous today. Homework is so much easier with glamorous nails.
Izzy-B's posterous update: If you are on Izzy-B's posterous right now, congratulations. You are most likely looking at the glamorous new color scheme I just finished updating. If you are on Izzy's Blog right now, please move your cursor down to the orange link that says "izzy-b's holiday blog!!!!" and click. Congratulations, you are now on Izzy-B's Holiday Blog.
Just one thing that is totally UNglamorous: I forgot to wish everyone a glamorous Thanksgiving. So that's what I'm doing now.
Would you like to live in the Cullen house? It may seem impossible, but if you have 3 million dollars laying around it could be yours.
It is a design home with five bedrooms, three bathrooms, a pool and some amazing views. Oh yeah, and it was the Cullen house in the movie New Moon. That's why the house is so expensive, because it was in the movie that is breaking all the records at the box office.
In the first weekend it was out, New Moon has become the third more profitable movie in history, behind Spiderman 3 and Batman.
Because of the success of the movie, someone may buy the house like a collector's item and not touch a thing, leaving it just as it was when it was the Cullen home.
The company which is selling the house has received many call from people who are interested in seeing the house. However, many of these people are just fans who want to walk through the house where Edward and friends spent so much time.
Wow. This is just crazy. And funny, too. My mom would love this. =)
Remind you of someone?
I knew a girl that was so stupid that.......
She called me to get my phone number.
She spent 20 minutes looking at the orange juice box because it said ''concentrate.''
She put lipstick on her forehead because she wanted to make up her mind.
She tried to put M&M's in alphabetical order.
She sent me a fax with a stamp on it.
She tried to drown a fish.
She thought a quarterback was a refund.
She got locked in a grocery store and starved to death.
She tripped over a cordless phone.
She took a ruler to bed to see how long she slept.
She asked for a price check at the Dollar Store.
She studied for a blood test. When she heard that 90% of all crimes occur around the home, she moved.
When she missed the 44 bus, she took the 22 bus twice instead.
When she took you to the airport she saw a sign that said ''Airport Left'' so she turned around and went home.She threw a bird off a cliff to kill it.
She turned off the ''big fan'' in a helicopter when she got cold.
Now copy and paste this into an empty email message and send it to at least 5 people or you'll get bad luck for
7 years!
0-4 people =Bad luck for 7 years
5-9 people =You will meet your idol someday
10-14 people =Good luck for 7 years15 or more all of the above and you'll get everything you
want in life
After you send this to 20 people a yellow box will pop up..
Click on it.
A great surprise will appear!!
Eye Contact
Half days and more...
Finally the time has come. Half days starting today and going through Friday. Yay, I'm happy. And now that I have said what I need to, I have nothing else to say. Well, I'm eating my lunch. Who likes cheese in sandwiches thick-cut with some ham AND turkey? I do- it's what I am eating. Oh I know! Mom, if you are reading this can you tell Angelina that I hope she feels better, thanks. Also tell her I saw her bffs and they wish she wasn't sick. They really miss her. And I do too, tell her that. So, yeah. My sister has a cough, sore throat, and a little bit of a fever. She was kept home last Friday, both of us were kept home Monday- I was kind of dizzy, and she's still at home. I hope she doesn't miss the whole week at school. Last night, to fall asleep, she insisted I tell her a story fresh from my brain. So I told her my version of Cinderella, with herself being Cinderella, Mom being the stepmother, me being one of the ugly stepsisters, and one of her friends being the other. A guy in her class was the prince, and right when I was telling my sister why Mom wasn't a bridesmaid, I heard heavy breathing and knew she had fell asleep. It was cute. Hope I don't get in trouble for talking past curfew, Mom. =)
Part I
Student Council
I won. I won the position of International Baccalaureate Officer. And I spelled Baccalaureate right the first time without ANY help.
My friends. They won. They won President (Ashley), Yearbook Editor (Adira), Newspaper Editor (Alex- she's a girl, not a boy), and Secretary (Laura). Part II
Friday the 13th
I think that's all I need to say, besides don't step on a crack, or spill salt (is that what it is?), or walk under a ladder, unless Jason will be out to get you. Part III
Halloween Weekend and Other Stuff Part Deux
Finally it's time for Saturday. On Saturday, I went to my mom's friend's sister, Astra's house to go trick or treating. First, dad, my sister, and I went to ballet, with my sister in costume, because her ballet teacher wanted her to or something. After that, we had rehearsal for the Nutcracker. Nothing new. After rehearsal, we all drove home, put our costumes on, got our trick or treat bags, and everyone, including my cousin who was sleeping over because her mom was out of town, left, except for me and my mom. She had to put my makeup on me. After that, we left. It was barely around 5 when we got to Astra's house, so we waited- for Astra's mom and Astra's sister Asia's almost-1 daughter Kiki to get their costumes on. It was also Penny's 4th Birthday. Penny is Kiki's sister. We wished Penny a happy birthday, and went outside to take a couple of pictures. After that everyone was ready, and around 5:30, we left for candy. We got SOOOOOOO much candy, my bag was heavy halfway through! We weren't even done! Finally we stopped back at Astra's house for some water and a bathroom break, then looped around a whole 'nother 2 blocks or so. It was only 7:30 halfway through. So we went around another block, then again got back to Astra's house. Along the way, we saw a real police car with a skeleton in it on a lawn and about 7 FULLY decked-out houses, with skeletons, pumpkins, lights, zombies, tombstones, mummies, glowing red eyes, and even a huge remote control rat. It was around 8 when we left to get back home.
Now it's time for Sunday, Penny's birthday party. After rehearsal, just me and dad, I got my costume on. When we got to the park, I was pretty much the only kid wearing her costume, except for Penny. Not even my sister or brother, even though my mom said I should bring my costume. If I have to, why don't they? After the pinata, we made cupcakes with homemade frosting, sprinkles, candy corn, M&Ms, and my favorite- Funfetti cupcake mix. Those are good! After that I played on the playground with the kids (my brother, Tristan; sister, Angelina; Penny, Ecco, Eien) and my cousin. Then we had to go- me, my sister, and my dad home; my mom, cousin, and brother to go drop m cousin off at her house. Part IV, or VI, or whatever 4 is.
I really don't have a Part 4 today. Whatever. Oops.
Halloween Weekend and Other Stuff
On Friday our school's Halloween carnival was held. I don't know why they can't have it on Halloween. Who doesn't want to go to a Halloween carnival on the actual day? The fifth grade carnival booth was actually not a booth at all. It was a haunted schoolhouse. And there were dead people. Just kidding. Us fifth graders were allowed to work up to 3 1 hour shifts- one through two for the bus kids and the kids who had to leave after the bell (because the carnival was to start after 12 and go through 4), two through three for whoever, three through 4 for whoever. I worked from 2 to 4. For my first shift, I was the principal, Miss Deathacariis (because our real principal's name is Mrs. DeVicariis). It was kind of boring because only one group was allowed in at a time and the whole schoolhouse tour was about 4 minutes, so there was barely ever a group. First you would see me, and I would say to you, "Welcome to Spooksville Elementary. Don't forget to sign up for school on the way out- if you can find your way out." Then the tour guide, my friend, Franci, or Connor, would lead you into the biology room, where there is a kid on the table and the teacher is giving a lesson in dissecting. The poor kid has fake guts hanging out and has a bloody shirt on. The Secret to the guts: the ripped up bloody shirt is covering a Ziploc bag with red-dyed macaroni and spaghetti. The biology students are cool. One under the table scared to death (Jack) and one taking the guts out with tongs (Madison, my friend). After the biology room, you go into the library where there are picture frame people in pretend picture frames pretending to read books while reaching out at you. Then you go into the detention room where someone is chained to the desk and another to the wall. They are screaming,"GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!" and stuff like that. Then you go into the cafeteria where the cook is serving the special of grilled students. There is a table with a hole in it for the head, and the person who is the grilled student has grill mark makeup on their face. But the grilled student, Gabe, got scared of the constant screaming and had to leave instantly. So Madison, Nick (the biology teacher), and Griffin, the guy being dissected, had to switch out every few groups to be the head. Jack couldn't because he WOULD NOT give his spot up under the table- WOULD NOT. After the cafeteria, you would go into the playground/cemetery with a coffin with someone in it with Jed the baby. Jed is a purple evil demon baby that my friend's dad bought for her. After that you get out.
Next shift I was dissecting. That's it, you wouldn't skip a room from three to four. Nothing special.
Wow, look at all this writing. And that's only Friday. I am going to post this in parts because there is NO way I can fit all of it in just one email. Peace we out.
Dim Sum
was rice, rice porridge, shrimp wrapped in something, deep fried
shrimp balls (not THAT kind), and chicken shumai. I liked the chicken
shumai, and the deep fried shrimp. Maybe next time I'll try the
chicken feet. Just kidding. =)
First Post!!
1. Changed: My dual screen computer background...

2. Changed: My Twitter background.
3. Done: Added my Twitter Tweets to the sidebar! Check 'em out!
4. Done: Typed up the answers to the interview questions for IB ambassador! If you want to peek at 'em, comment and email to the email in the sidebar under my picture in the profile.
I don't know why but I want to say thanks. =)
Burger Lounge!
I just finished my word study homework and feel I need to put prepositions and appositives and conjunctions into all my sentences.
I found this super funny video on the internet- it's by the Jonas Brothers (except the one that's getting married), their agent Big Rob (the big guy), Demi Lovato, and the rest of the Camp Rock 2 cast. It's called Bounce, and it's super funny- did I already say that?
I also wanted to introduce you guys to one of my favorite websites ever- awkwardfamilyphotos.com. If you scroll down to about halfway through the page, you will find a title- SNS*: Proud Papa. This is very very funny.
That's it for today. Check out all the links and tell your neighborhood hobos to say hi to the other neighborhood hobos and to become friends with each other- they will eventually thank you (or hug you).
*SNS is Saturday Night Special, F.Y.I.
The Journey of ME- Macy Bart
And it would be nice if all the spammers who are spamming me to stop spamming me. I'm sorry for the rest of you guys (who aren't spammers) have to hear this.
Well I'm gonna go now. Remember, email me for the (unfinished so far) story. If you are going to send me an email, please comment that you are going to because I check the comments regularly and that way I can know when to check my Gmail. Thanks, and tell your mom I said hi.
-Izzy =)
Hello people of the world
OK. So, as I think I've told you before, my school is an IB (international baccalaureate) school. And I'm running for student council again this year. And I'm not running for president this year. I'm running for IB ambassador. It's where you technically represent the school, but like internationally. My teacher said I'd definitely win. She also said I'd be really good. And, it's an appointed position. There's only 2 other people running, so the interview with the principal is probably gonna be pretty easy.
Well I'm leaving. See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya! (Just kidding.)
It's me!
My friend, victoria bleu, who is following this blog, is now on twitter! She hasn't tweeted anything yet, but visit her anyway... @ballet_victoria! Well, BYE!
PS: I like saying Bye.
PPS If you want to open the link in a new tab, hold the "command" button and click the link while it's held down.
OCTOBER! (and a field trip)
We are now officially going to the air show. We weren't so sure, because everybody needed their paperwork in, and then it all got in, and then we were short a driver for just 2 people, and then we called the other teacher, and then that's when she said she had 2 extra seats. So we're going!
PS:I'm eating Skittles. Skittles are yummy.
It's almost October!
So, the fifth grade is hosting a haunted house for the halloween carnival, like they do every year. (And now it's finally our turn!)
My family and I were going to be the Adam's family, but my Nana might not come through to helping us make the costumes. My friend gave me the link to a costume site, and it's really nice. You should check it out if you don't know what to be for Halloween (still).
Well, I'm off. Bye!
It's a (party scene) girl!!!
Being a girl is hard! (And I don't mean that life-wise.) What I mean is, in Party Scene, I keep doing the boy stuff. Last week we finished the whole first part of Party Scene; there are multiple parts for party scene. The kids are on for like almost the whole first act. Well, I'm gonna go now.
PS: This is after rehearsal... I just had to eat lunch then I left.
Just look at it. You know you want to.
No, I'm not mad at her. I love her. See? Twisted Sister- that's what I got.
1. Check out this funny blog... Sam's Blog
2. Check out THIS funny blog... Freddie's Blog
3. Check out THIS funny blog... Spencer's Blog
4. Check out THIS funny blog... Carly's Blog
5. Check out these ones too....
Sam's Other Blog
Freddie's Other Blog
Carly's Other Blog
Spencer's Other Blog
100TH POST!!!!
The 1st special thing of the special 100th post...
I memorized the Preamble! ....
We the People of the United States in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Right off the top of my head.
The 2nd special thing of the special 100th post...
I am listening to Taylor Swift on my iPod. She is awesome. Did you guys hear about her and Kanye West at the VMAs? I heard she cried backstage.
The third special thing about the special 100th post...
WE ARE GETTING A MINIVAN!!!! Our old car broke down.
The 4th special thing about the special 100th post...
Izzy's Blog is going to have a new game. I am going to give a small excerpt of one of the latest songs, and you have to guess who sings it and what the song is.
The 5th special thing about the special 100th post...
The song excerpt of the week is...
"She wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts, she's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers..."
Post your answers in a comment, by next week, the 25th.
The 6th special thing about the special 100th post...
Our first field trip! In October, 5th graders are going to the Air Show.
The 7th special thing about the special 100th post...
Auditions for my ballet school's performance of The Nutcracker were held. The parts, which were posted on Wednesday, are... I don't know what they are. Anyway, the parts I got... I dropped 3 parts since last time. Last year I was a Russian corps, an angel, a pollichinelle, a soldier, and a party scene boy. This year I am still a Russian and Party Scene, but I'm a girl this year. I dropped pollichinelle, angel, and soldier, and gained the part as a girl in party scene. My sister auditioned and she is a polichinelle. It's her 1st year.
The 8th special thing about the special 100th post...
IT'S THE 100TH POST!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my gosh!
In fifth grade, our teacher says we should memorize the preamble to the Constitution. I have the beginning + end + some other parts memorized....
We the People of the United States in order to find a more perfect country....
...domestic tranquility...
...promote the general welfare...
...do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
My brother.
He says to my sister: "You're pretty!"
He says to me: " You're inTWISting." I love the way he says interesting.
He doesn't say anything to my mom because she's in Mexico again.
You'll find the reason why here. You really need to read this.
I just wanted to say thanks to Jennifer Kirkland and Valerie because they are now following me! I also want to say thanks to mrosete, victoria bleu, and Suzanne Akemi for also following me.
First Day of School!
The other day (yes this is funny in a way) Taylor Swift's "Love Story" was playing on the radio, and my sister was like,"It's Taylor Swift!" and since me and my sister are both OBSESSED with Taylor Lautner who plays Jacob Black in Twilight, and my brother does know who he is, he said,"No it's Taywer WUT-ner." which is how he pronounces Lautner.
Also about boy crushes- my mom's, Robert Pattinson also known as RPatz- we were all at Barnes & Noble the other day, and my mom said to me while we were in the magazines section,"We were here yesterday, and you know what your brother said? He picked this up-" and she picked up a biography about RPatz- "And said, 'Oooh he's handsome!' " she cracked up. Funny, funny brothers. They may be annoying sometimes, but they sure are funny. what else do they have to be?
I don't know what to name this post.
Boo! School starts in a week!
Yay! I'm starting fifth grade!
Boo! It's gonna be hard!
I could just do this yay/boo thing all day. I should have, like, a whole day dedicated to that. Yeah, I should do that. On the first day of every month, a Yayboo Fest, I list awesome things and not awesome things, one for each day. And that is in addition to the celebrity birthdays.
Anyway, the answers to the riddles. Thanks to missus_raroo (twitter.com/missus_raroo) for answering to the GRY riddle on twitter. You were right, missus_raroo! The answer to the GRY riddle is...
So, after the two sentences that throw you off, you have "There are only three words in the english language. What is the third word?" Highlight "the english language". The third word in "the english language" is language. Good job, missus_raroo!
Answer to the apples riddle:
The fourth girl took the basket with the apple in it, so the apple was still left in the basket.
Again, Thanks to missus_raroo for answering to the GRY riddle!!!!!
-Izzy :)
The beach
I wish I could show you guys the shells, but I didn't take any pictures....
Well, I gotta leave soon... I need to go get my friend's present at Target for her birthday party today at a different beach. Bye!
Oh yeah, and guess what! I'm going to the beach tomorrow with... 1, 2, 3.... 9 family friends (and my family) so that makes.... 14. Party of 14, party of 14. Please report to the beach. Well, see ya.
PS Remember, only 4 more days till the riddle answer!
BIG announcement!!!
Izzy's Blog now has a new, special, bimonthly post! Like my mom's "Vintage Sunday," or other people's "Monthly Question," so I am going to have a Celeb Celebrations! Every month, I am going to post some fun pictures and awesome facts about a star on their birthday! You can request celebs to celebrate, and I might just celebrate him or her! Yay! I already have some pictures ready for some celebs like Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga....
And, some celeb's celebrations are on the same day or week or month, so in one of the celebration posts it might be multiple stars.
This awesome bimonthly posting is starting later this month. Happy celeb-rating!

My mom as a kid wearing her favorite color while playing Super Mario Brothers.

Rocker Chic (peace!)

Izzy's Pet Shop (click on image to enlarge it)

One of the best Singers ever, Lady Gaga - "Can't read my, can't read my, no he can't read my pokerface"

Another one of the best singers ever, Katy Perry - " 'Cause you're hot then you're cold, you're yes then you're no"

One of my favorite actresses when Lizzy McGuire was still on TV, Hilary Duff

I have a Betty Boop Pirate Doll I got from the Corvette Diner. I dressed this dress up doll up like her- black striped 3-quarter sleeve shirt, black skirt, X-patterned socks (but this dress up game didn't have socks, so I went with leggings) and, well, the game didn't have her boots, so, for now, she's barefoot.
New Riddles!
There are four girls. There are four apples in a basket. They each take an apple, but one apple still remains in the basket. How was this possible?
Just let me say something- ah, back to the old riddle days!!!! ;) Next riddle!
The "GRY" riddle...
Think of words ending in -GRY. Two of them are "angry" and "hungry. There are only three words in the English Language. What is the third word?
(Hint: ignore the first 2 sentences. They're supposed to throw you off. And they did, didn't they?) :)
The answers will be up in a week. On September 1st, 2009 exactly. At least that's not the day of my friend's birthday party the day before, or the day I'm sleeping over at my cousin's house the 3rd-4th. She has a computer, but we might be having too much fun. Not that I don't like posting on my blog, I truly do love posting. It's just that- oh, forget it! I might be able to squeeze in a new post. Bye.
(Post your answers!)
Well here I am...
a) check out my favorite blogs to the left (in the sidebar)
b) if you are one of the people who owns one of those blogs, update! What have you been doing lately?
c) read all the posts and/or comments on my blog, and count how many there are.
That's what you can do. I've done all these things- checked out my favorite blogs, updated my blog, and counted how many posts and comments I've had. But I'm not telling you... you have to do it yourself!
Yay :)
Also my friend called back from the time I left her a message asking her what she's doing for her birthday the 27th. She's having a party on the bay. Oodles of fun ;)
Freaky Test
Think of a number from 1 to 10.
Multiply the number by 9.
If it's a 2 digit number, add the digits together.
Subtract 5.
Determine what letter of the alphabet corresponds with the number (a=1)
Think of a country that starts with that letter.
Remember the last letter of that country's name.
Think of an animal that starts with that letter.
Remember the last letter of the animal's name.
Think of a fruit that begins with that letter.
Were you thinking of a kangaroo in Denmark eating an orange?
98% of the people who took this test were.
2% of the people who take this test aren't.
How to Annoy The Waiter :)
Breakfast at IHOP: "3 medium pancakes, with organic maple syrup, and margarine, perfectly cut in 1 inch by 1 inch squares, except for the edges of course, and then some perfectly scrambled eggs, 2 to be exact, for the side, lose the sausage- I hate the greasiness. Put in some bacon instead- 4 pieces. For my drink, I'd like a half a cup, but maybe... a sixth of a cup. Yes, that will do. For my dessert, I will have.... The Chocolate Trifle cake. Oooh, that sounds scrumptious! But let me put it straight how I want it. Chocolate cake on the bottom, vanilla mousse, vanilla cake, chocolate mousse, chocolate cake, chocolate pudding on top- over the vanilla frosting. Then, I want some white-chocolate and chocolate shavings sprinkled on top, I want it drowning in pudding. Make that chocolate pudding. Jeremy, honey?" ($18.94)
Lunch at Sonic: "One burger, please. Oh, and make it a veggie burger. Only put the tomatoes, pickles, and onions in it. 3 slices of each. Can I also have your Oreo shake, 1 half cup, with a whole Oreo stuck on the glass like with cocktails, and then 1 Diet Coke, fill the glass 3/4 of the way, lose the foam. Then for dessert, I want.... Well, I've been trying to go with 'snacks' as dessert, so, I'll have... the mozzarella sticks. Don't make it 3 or 5, make it 4, or else I'll have to explode at work. Well, I guess that's it... Oh, but, can you add something to the menu and name it after me? My name is Isla, and I want you to add veggie cups to the menu. 3 dollars a cup, with baby carrots, corn, and sliced pickles. I don't care if pickles aren't veggie-like, I want them in the veggie cup! Give me a veggie cup. Add it to everything. 'The Isla Veggie Cup.' Yum." ($22.50)
Dinner at Ruby's: "Could I have the chicken fingers, white meat, no breading- 2 pieces. Oh, and yes, the Amazing Double-Triple, where it goes like, bun, meat, tomato, lettuce, onion, meat, tomato, lettuce, onion, meat, bread, meat, lettuce, tomato, onion, meat, tomato, lettuce, onion, meat, tomato, lettuce, onion-bun. I'll eat all that. Um, then, a Diet Coke, just a can. Well, that, and an Oreo shake. I had one at Sonic today for lunch too. Man, I love those! Make it half-cup. Make this just between you and me- I'm on a diet, so P.S. don't give me any white rice. Oh yeah, dessert. I trying for a snacks-for-dessert week, but I blew it this morning at IHOP. I had a triple-layer Chocolate Trifle. Like, what was I thinking!? So, ya got mozzarella sticks? Cool. I'll have 4 of those, like at Sonic, again! Ha! So, didja get that?" ($31.22)
The next morning, breakfast at Mickey D's... "A number 13 please." ($2.59)
So, all of that ended up as a total of exactly $75.25. Nice job dieting and spending, Isla! :)
P.S. I just got a homemade haircut. :)
P.P.S. My mom's playing Super Mario Brothers on the Nintendo DS for the kids.
P.P.P.S. Super Mario Brothers = most intense game on the planet.
P.P.P.P.S. Does anyone have any tips on how to get past the second level, with the guy on the floating cloud, in the second world (in the Desert) ???? Like 2 of you video game people that I know have this game....
Never mind... my mom got past it... but, ah, Level 5... oh, I can't get past it! And the castle --- !!!!!
When the picture of my aunt's rented house in Ensenada came up, there was quite the conversation.
Me: " Why does her rented house say CIA?"
Mom: "It's not that kind of CIA."
My sister who knows how to spell her name, pool, daddy, mommy, love, you, I, and A: "How do you spell CIA?"
Mom: "CIA."
Me to myself: "Could it not be more obvious?" *burst out laughing* "That is THE weirdest question I have ever heard!"
Funny :)
A couple of weird-in-a-funny-way things my brother has said today:
While we were getting out of the car to go to our great-uncle's house: "I want to go to wieners house."
After my mom changed the radio channel to something more appropriate: "Mommy that guy was singing about 'sexy'."
Kentucky Fried Cruelty
You can make one too. Pledge to boycott KFC, and sign P!NK's petition to "kick the buckets."
Play the game "Super Chick Sisters" (instead of Super Mario Brothers) and help crush Colonel Sander (instead of Bowser).
We have some Converse on hold at Famous Footwear. For her some Velcro-strap shoes in magenta, for me, the usual- black regular. My dad got some 8 plain T shirts or so. When we were at Famous Footwear, my brother put on some way big (for him at least) Hannah Montana shoes, and he would NOT take them off. At least he didn't cry when he had to take them off.
When we were at one of the malls, there was a Wetzel's Pretzels- well, 2 actually- and we got a sample at one, and they were SO GOOD! It was like a cinnamon roll, but in pretzel form- but smaller :( -it made me want to have a second at the other Wetzel's as we passed by it, but the guy was serving someone and the samples were for him to give out and not for us to take- again, :( -so we just passed it by.
My mom took pictures of us with each individual piece of clothing to send to our grandma who lives in Ohio, because she gave us the money for the clothes. Thanks, Grandma!
BEST Dentist's Office EVER!
And now, because of my cavity, I can't chew on that side, but it's my dominant side! And, when he cleaned my teeth, the stuff he used "is gonna be really sandy," and he wasn't kidding, it SO was! It was like, just sand mixed with like salt or something. WHAT THE HECK WAS IT???? TELL MEEEEEEE!!!!! If you know.
Whenever I touch the sealant on my right side, it feels like it's gonna POP OUT.
So Sad :(
Also, last night my mom went to go see Harry Potter at midnight with Asia (from Fair Day) and our dad was watching us. Me and my sister had just gone to bed, and 10 minutes later I hear my brother giggling so that means he and my dad were having some nice, quality time. It makes me feel... I don't know, it just makes me feel.
Hey, is anyone sad out there? Need a band aid? (::()::) A flower? @-->--- Some cookies? @@@@ A hug? (((((you)))))
They're BA-AACK!
Well time to go so BYE!!!!!!!
My Silly Brother
I tell my brother to say the name of my favorite singer, Demi Lovato. "Diddy Din-VAH-to."
He wants to play my Hannah Montana Wii Game, " I wan to play Isabella's Hannah Mennamentana geem."
He has been potty training lately, and one day I went to take the recycling out, he wanted to come. So he put his froggy boots on (the wrong feet, of course) and came with me. The recycling bins were outside our apartment gates, so he stayed in the complex while I went out to dump our bin. I come back, open the gate, step in, "Isabella I peed on my WEG." (leg) I say, "Bubby, why?"
"Because I wannit to." (wanted) Later, he has 2 more accidents, to add to his 2 he had already had. Me and Mom go out to buy Pull Ups for him, he has NO accidents, and when we come home, my little sister says, "Mommy! Bubby pooped in his pants!"
I Got That
I love that song.
It's July!
Ugh, I can't believe it's almost July. The days seem so long during the summer with no homework, recess, or teachers. What should I do? Anybody have any ideas?
Brad was a window washer staring into a window he didn't want to clean. So, he opened the window and jumped INTO the building.
Well sorry but I'm tired. That's it for now. CYA.
(CYA= Check ya later)
Fair Day!
While my mom's friend and her gang started to leave, our gang was at the sunglasses booth. I had always wanted Ray Bans, and they had those there but for less $. I got a red pair, and at checkout, Mom asked if they had mini Ray Bans for my little brother and sister. They did. My brother got black and my sister got white. We left and were in line to get on the buses back to the Horsepark (which was used as the parking lot) when we saw mom's friend and her gang! They were in line, too. They got on a double decker and were off for Horsepark. I didn't know it, but we got on the same double decker as them! Theirs had come back around to the bus stop- probably because they didn't have enough people. Mom and brother and me and sister split up- me with sister on the top, mom with brother on the bottom with the stroller. We had got up the steps when the first thing I saw was Lethia, Asia's sister in law, and Astra. The first thing I heard was "Hey, you guys made it!" and Penny shouting,"You guys are here!!!" She sat with us on the ride to the horse park.
We went home, told Dad to watch the kids who had fallen asleep, and got in Dad's car to go to Asia's house. Asia was going to have a tote bag making craft at a local library in San Ysidro. Only 1 kid had signed up, but it went from that to having not enough supplies. Asia had buttons, string, a sewing kit, felt, markers, pens, a button maker, a computer, a printer, iron on sheets, an iron, and paper. You could have a picture ready to copy and print, or you could make a design. With my bag, I had big primary color buttons alternating with bright red heart ones. I was also going to scan some pictures from my magazine but we did that at Asia's house. My picture were of Miranda Cosgrove from iCarly, Selena Gomez from Wizards of Waverly Place, and Demi Lovato from Sonny with a Chance and Camp Rock. There was a lady who had a daughter making a bag, and she had wanted to make one, too. She had all her stuff copied and everything, she was ready to have it ironed on, when she DIDN'T HAVE A BAG. So my mom gave her hers. We left the library after everyone's bag was finished. We made buttons at Asia's house. Mine had a cartoon heart on it. I also got some Asia had made, part of her company on Etsy, Toshwerks. Well that's it for now. Bye!
Funny Costco Lady
I got an email last night from my second grade friend, Cora, that moved to Costa Rica in the middle of the 2nd Grade year. She says she's coming here to the US next month. I also got my friend's email yesterday at ballet. She's in 6th Grade and she's really nice. Neither of us will be doing the summer intensive program at ballet, so we won't be seeing each other during the whole summer and we wanted to keep in contact. Now I have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9... 9 people from school and ballet (and Costa Rica) to keep in contact with. I haven't gotten any emails back from Cora. But I have from my other friend from ballet. I call her Lizzy K. and EK. Well that's all for now, I think I'll add a riddle. The answer will be posted next week, or June 25.
Brad stared through the dirty soot- smeared window on the 22nd floor of the office tower. Overcome with depression, he slid the window open and jumped through it. It was a sheer drop from the building to the ground. Miraculously after he landed he was completely unhurt. Since there was nothing to cushion his fall or slow his descent, how could he have survived the fall?
(hint: go to this website. Search "Brad" and click on "through the window?")
Breathe, Izzy. Breathe.
4 Mountain Language Problems & 5 Math Problems
Read Aloud- HOOT (we finished it!)
Wordly Wise Hidden Message Puzzle
Watch Movie- HOOT while eating cheesy popcorn & licorice
(This was when our old student teacher, Mrs. J, came and visited us with Starbursts!)
Some Boys' moms brought pizza from Little Caesar's for lunch.
One brought ice cream & toppings, so we had ice cream sundaes.
We went to lunch before the rest of the 3 - 5 graders (K - 2 have a separate lunch)
Traditional 5th Grade vs. Staff Kickball Game
School's Out!
Sounds pretty fun, huh? Oh, and trust me, that Hidden Message Puzzle was fun. But the hidden message wasn't.
"There is a great deal of pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge."
-English Writer, philosopher, and Mathematician Bertrand Russell
My Funny Friend
Today, I was walking down the street to Dad's car after school, with my friend. She said to me as we came closer to an excercising bike by the curb, "Oooh! An exercise mobile!" She got on it and started pedaling. "This stupid thing's broken," she complained.
"That's 'cause you're pedaling backwards!" I told her. "OH," she said and reversed the motion of her feet. She started to sing,"Exercise mobile, exercise mobile," as I was rolling on the floor laughing. She made me have to pee my pants! And you better be glad I didn't! I'd had a dandelion in my hand but I didn't want it, so I threw toward the ground by her. "Have it," I said, walking to Dad's car. As I climbed in, I heard her say,"Oooh, yay!" She was bending down, grabbing the dandelion. "Bye, Izzy!" She said as Dad and I drove off.
Today we had a Life Science Benchmark test. BOOORING!
Tomorrow we don't have to learn anything at school, just parties and fun.We're going to watch HOOT tomorrow, because Miss O is gonna finish reading it to us tomorrow. Same for Monday. Just parties, fun, and movies. I think we're having a pizza party tomorrow, too.
Last Week!

This is the last week of school, except for next Monday. How stupid- last day of school on a Monday! There's a reason, though. If school ends on a Friday, we'd have to go to school a day early or on a holiday. And we don't want THAT, now do we?
You guys should really check out the most ANNOYING page on the web. There are, like, 150 alerts or something, but in the end, it's really cool because they give you the coolest thing ever. Trust me, try it. And when you are done, send the link to ALL of your friends (or enemies) that you want to annoy. That's it for today. But I think I might add a picture. They're up there.
From top:
Letter from Grandma,
Anal Chili Cook Off
Lucky Dog
How Women Drive (No Offense)
All pictures from: www.funfunkypages.com
Oh, and here's a really cute game, Where is 2009.
Check it out! :)
Solar Power has no fuel costs. It is a renewable resource. As long as the Sun exists, its Energy can reach the Earth. Solar Power does not pollute- or poison- the air or water, because the fuels don't blow up. Solar Power can be used to heat: solar ovens, water, heaters for homes, and daylight. The only bad thing about solar heat is that it can't work at night.
What do you guys think? Is it first-grade friendly? Hope you learned something interesting.
Tomorrow is also Tourism Day, where we dress up as tourists for a Spirit Day.
It's only 1 week till my brother's birthday! And also, 1 week and 2 days till his party.
Catchin' Up
I found a new website. Check it out here.
I just finished the best book ever, Ruby Holler.
I am so excited for the last day of school!!!!!
I got cut by a razor blade Sunday Night. It still kind of stings when I touch it.
On Tuesday, we were playing Capture The Flag during PE. It was Boys vs. Girls. Me and my friend were both trying to tag a guy, and we collided and bumped our heads on each others. I now have a bruise on my forehead and pain in my wrist.
That's it for today. Check out the "McDonald's" and "Chicken Head" articles on the first website. :)
ANOTHER Field Trip!
After the play when we were eating lunch, my friend (nicknamed Nacho Cheese) said, "OMG Sharpay was SO ugly," and then Tay Tay said, "No she wasn't! She was AWESOME!"
Troy was shorter than Gabriella.
That's all I have to say.
Today is also Open House for our school (kind of odd, isn't it, at the end of the year? ). Our teacher was making us clean like CRAZY! (No offense, Miss O!) We cleaned out the inside AND outside of our desks, we swept, we organized the book bins, we did (pretty much) everything! :) Well, that's it for today! (I might) See you tomorrow!
Wii Fit
Aerobics- Hula Hoop, Super Hula Hoop, Basic Step, Advanced Step, Basic Run, and 2-player Run.
Balance Games- Soccer Heading, Ski Slalom, Ski Jump, Penguin Slide, Rhythm Boxing (I don't remember the others, I think I have 2 more.)
What is YOUR Wii Fit age? Mine is 16 as of May 24th.
Here's another riddle (you might need a regular book with 40+ pages)
Mr. Smith was in his study. He needed to go run an errand, and he left a hundred dollar bill on his desk by a book. When Mr. Smith came back, the bill was not there. He asked the maid if she had seen where it went, and she said, "I put it under the book, so it would be safe." He looked, it was not there. He asked the butler if he had seen it. He said, "Oh, I found it under the book and put it in between some pages so it would be safer. I wrote down the page numbers- ah. 35 and 36." Mr. Smith immediately knew who stole the dollar bill and called the police. How did Mr. Smith know who stole it, and who was the stealer?
Please post your answers in a comment, and the answer will be announced on June 2nd unless otherwise.
Early Everything!
Early Happy Memorial Day. :)
So, have you guys read "HOOT" by Carl Hiaasen? It is such a good book. It's about this boy named Roy who just moved to Florida. He sees a barefoot boy running by the school bus and later meets him, trying to help the boy, Mullet Fingers (he can catch a mullet fish with his bare hands.) save the cute little owls whose burrows are at a construction site for a brand new Mother Paula's Flapjack House.
I have a 3-day weekend because of Memorial Day on Monday. What about you?
Doritos n' Riddles
Is it possible for Dave to marry his mom's mother's daughter's son's father's sister's niece? Answer on 4/24. See ya!
PS Answers to last 2 riddles:
4/08 The room with the lions because if they have not eaten for a year they are dead.
4/14 The carnival worker did exactly what he said he would- he wrote "Your exact weight" on the piece of paper.
Bride Wars!!!
There is a boy at a carnival. A carnival worker comes up to the boy, and says, "I bet you 5 dollars I can write your exact weight on this piece of paper." The boy agreed because he saw no scale. Yet he still ended up losing 5 dollars. What did the carnival worker write? Answer next week with a new riddle. Comment your answers!!! :)
P.S. Longer Letter Later...
Even though it's two days early, here's the answer to the riddle....
The kitchen/dining room is the safest to go in, because if the lions haven't eaten in a year, then they are dead.
Thanks to Suzanne Akemi for answering! It was a good answer!!!
Peace. We out.
Cavs Rule!!!
Riddles & Jokes
You are in a small 4 room house. You are in the safest room. The bathroom has giant mutant cockroaches. The bedroom has angry gorillas. And the kitchen/dining room has a bunch of lions who haven't eaten in a year. You have to go to the bathroom, you're hungry, and you're tired. Which room is the safest to go in? Answer will be posted next week.
And 2 really funny jokes...
1. There are 2 guys, Dave and Joe, who are in a mental house. One day they were walking by the pool. Dave jumped in and drowned and Joe saved him. Later their counselor said to Joe, "You can leave." Then Joe said, "Why?"
"Because you have proved you can use your brain properly."
"What about Dave?"
"He hung himself."
"Oh no, I just put him there to dry."
2. There was a little girl and a little boy talking about where Jesus is. The little girl said,"I think he's up there, guarding Heaven." The little boy said,"I think he's in the bathroom."
"How do you know?"
"Every morning I hear my dad yelling in the bathroom."
"What does he say?"
" 'Jesus Christ, are you still in there?' "
**Thanks to my 2 friends for the jokes! :)**
Torrey Pines/Cabrillo
Torrey Pines: was really fun. We learned about animals that live there like skunks, snakes, and animals like deer mice. We also learned about the plants there, too, like the prickly pear cactus, wild cucumber, and others. We learned about food chains too. The lunch on the beach was the best, though. I found half a crab claw and my friend found a whole lobster claw. We threw rocks in the water and chased each other around the beach.
Cabrillo/Tidepools: was fun, but not as fun as Torrey Pines. We took a hike and went on a scavenger hunt to find plants like black sage, mojave yucca, and the lemonade berry plant. Those berries were so sour and tangy! We watched a movie about the marine life in the tidepools and how they survive. Then we were off for lunch. After minutes of munching, we drove down to the tidepools. Those rocks were so slippery! I fell 2 times. Once I got my whole lower body wet and the second time I slid my foot in the water like a baseball player sliding to home base. My friend found a half a lobster being eaten by a sea anemone. I turned around because I had heard something, and I saw 2 crabs fighting. A bunch of kids came rushing over after 5 or 6 kids were gathered around, and then people started taking sides. "I'm on that crab's side!" "That one is one-armed, he's gonna lose! I'm on the two-armed crab's side!" "Me too!" After about 10 minutes, the crabs fell off the ledge and were falling into the water. People were bored by now, so everyone left. Around 1:30, the teachers said we had to leave.
When we got back to school, we all started to play four square, the bell rang, and finally school was over. The End.
No more testing!!!!!!!!!!
testing 1 2 3... testing....
Anyway. I'm tired. Bye! :)
1. It's by Roald Dahl.
2. It's about a girl named Sophie.
3. One of the main character's initials is B.
Do you know what it is?
It's The BFG!
I love the ending on the very last page, it's so... cute.
"But where, might you ask, is this book the BFG wrote?
"It's right here, you've just finished reading it."
And I just HAD to giggle when that part about "whizzpopping" came up... so funny! I like how the BFG talks, too- it's funny. Like when he says,
"... faster than you can say rack jobinson.", "... no more pokery-jiggery.", and "Keep your skirt on! I think I have the answer to the maiden's hair!" But those are only some. The best one is, "Two rights don't make a left!" (2 wrongs don't make a right)
I love some of his words. Here are some of them- phizzwizard, ringbeller, whoppsy, bellypoppers (helicopters), exuncly (exactly), porteedo (torpeedo), slushbungle, swizzfiggling, natterboxes, chatbags, and cattlepiddlers.
How many of you guys read The BFG?
What was one (or all) of your favorite parts?
For those of you looking for a good book, I highly reccomend The BFG.
Well that's it for today, folks! See ya tomorrow!
happy LATE Earth day.

More Riddles!!!!
The answer to the last riddle is: I am a soul (soul music). I just can't get enough riddles!!! What about you guys?
I was daydreaming today, and I was thinking of things every class room in the district should have more than just enough... it should have...
- An indoor pool (cuz it was SOOOOO hot today!)
- Waterproof textbooks, worksheets, and pencils to do work in the pool
-Air conditioning
-A laptop for everyone
-A table with money you can take for lunch/pizza if you don't want to buy lunch (yum...)
-A dance floor
-A snack table with snacks such as skittles, crackers, & cookies
-Access to any website you want (no sites prohibited)
AND last but not least,
-A magic book bin for each student- you write down the name of a book/series you want to read and it automatically appears with no charges to ANYONE!
Next riddle- I come in different shapes and sizes. Part of me is curvy, my other part is straight. You can put me anywhere, anyway you want but I only have 1 place just right for me. What am I?
Answer is being posted on 4/27! 1 Week!!!!!
happy LATE Holidays.
I am the beginning of 2 common diseases
I am found in everybody, though not everybody believes in me
I cannot be heard, seen, or touched
Yet I have my own type of music.
Riddle- Dead in the center of an island is a bunny. 5 hops East, West, North, and South is land. How many hops does it take to get to land?
Please answer by april 5. Thank you!
OMG, he jst lke totally L @ me OL! Like so mbarrasing 2 the xtreme. BTW, r u bringing ur dog 2 my house? Im goin 2 L's pty, R U? OK bye:)