Sorry I didn't post yesterday, I was at my friend's house. We had so much fun! We did our nails (mine being black), jumped on her HUMONGO trampoline, played on the computer, and played hide and seek with her mom and brother. Her mom was talking on the phone when we asked her to play hide and seek with us. She didn't find us for a long time, because we hid in her closet, behind a bunch of long dresses against the wall. Speaking of phones, can you read what this says, in IM-ese?
OMG, he jst lke totally L @ me OL! Like so mbarrasing 2 the xtreme. BTW, r u bringing ur dog 2 my house? Im goin 2 L's pty, R U? OK bye:)
Today was the Jog-A-Thon! It was sooooooo tiring. The track was so big, I only could run 13 laps in forty five minutes! And last year, I ran like 27, and I was on the same track. That's crazy!!!!! Well, maybe they could have made the track a little bit bigger, but anyway... At least we were ALLOWED to rest and ALLOWED to walk the track. Maybe that's why I didn't run as many this year as last year, I walked the track most of the time. At least the room parents brought in water bottles for the whole class. I was so tired, I asked my friend to pour water on my head 3 TIMES!!!!!!! I am so glad we got Jamba Juice and Popsicles after we ran!! Here's a riddle for ya: Chloe and her older sister reached the top of Mount Washburn. Use the clues to figure out the missing altitude.
1- Begin with 4,582.
2- Add the number of feet in a mile.
3- Add the number of days in a regular year.
4- Add the number of eggs you get in a typical carton.
5- Add the number of leaves on a lucky clover.
Please comment your answers! I will post the answer in 3 days. You have 3 days to comment and answer.
Hint- The number of feet in a mile is 5,280. If you didn't know.
1- Begin with 4,582.
2- Add the number of feet in a mile.
3- Add the number of days in a regular year.
4- Add the number of eggs you get in a typical carton.
5- Add the number of leaves on a lucky clover.
Please comment your answers! I will post the answer in 3 days. You have 3 days to comment and answer.
Hint- The number of feet in a mile is 5,280. If you didn't know.
Crazy Dress Day!
Today was Crazy Dress Day at school, and also PE. I wore sweatpants; an orange shirt turned inside out; a magenta plastic party necklace; a pink feather boa; my watch way up on my arm; 1 silver-, 1 magenta-and-black striped fingerless glove; 1 anklet, 1 long sock; and my Kooky pen from Ash's party goodie bag, hooked on a ponitail and in my hair. I was probably the craziest in my class, with people turning their shirt inside out or backwards or wearing un-matching socks and shoes or wearing layered T-Shirts and ties. Did I tell you tomorrow is the Jog-a-Thon at my school? Tell you about it tomorrow!
my weekend
I could not post all weekend because I was at my friend Ash's sleepover party. You remember Ash, from February 19th, right? Her birthday was on the 18th. It was really fun. First Ruby got there, then me, then Brover. When Brover got there, we all had to wait for Zo till 4. When Zo finally arrived, we went bowling at Kearny Mesa Bowl. We played 2 whole rounds. The first time, Ash won and I tied last with Zo at 79. Then the 2nd time, I would have won if SOMEBODY (naming no names) hadn't gone from 94 to 112. I WOULD have won, but she got 8 more points than me, with her and her mean strike- or was it a spare?
Then we went back to Ash's house, telling funny stories, and stopped at Albertson's along the way. We had cheese burgers, macaroni and cheese, and green grapes for dinner. Then we had carrot cake- which was DELICIOUS, by the way. Ash then opened presents, mine being $20. Goodie bags were passed out. In them was a Kooky pen, an M&M Notebook, and 3 Reese's Peanut Butter cups.Then we washed up, went upstairs to Ash's room, watched some TV and got ready for bed. Then Brover, Zo, and Ruby got on their 3-way recliner couch, and Ash and I got on our 2-way recliner couch downstairs. We watched the end of an iCarly and a Spongebob. Then Ash put the movie, The Clique, in the DVD Player and we watched that. We finished that around 8:30, watched another Spongebob, and a Suite Life on Deck. It was around 9:45 when we turned off the TV and started to blab away- funny stories, stories of mean girls, secrets told to us by mean girls that weren't supposed to be told. We went to sleep around 10:15.
I was the first one up, at 6:45. Then Ruby, Ash, Brover, Zo. We (again) started blabbing away, but not before Ruby told Brover to get her butt out of her face and position herself right! By 7:45, we were again watching TV-while doing each other's hair, but crazy! Brover is a tomboy, so when she did Zo's hair, she put a curler in retardedly, and she also put in mini pants, a diaper, and a shoe she found in the "Hair Things" box. It was now 8:30. Buster, Ash's dog came down from Ash's brothers' room and started jumping on the couch with us. Then Ash's mom woke up, made our breakfast while we were of course blab, blab, blabbing away. We had blueberry pancakes for breakfast, with sausages and milk. Yum! We went upstairs again to Ash's room, to get dressed. Then we watched some funny videos on YouTube. After that, we helped clean up the sleeping area.Then Ruby's dad came to pick her up for Church.
Soon we were playing outside, then Zo's dad came to pick her up. Zo got her things and left. It was just Ash, Brover, and me left. We played soccer in the backyard and Ash showed us her secret passageway to her secret "house"- an old pool with no water, 3 cobwebby beach chairs, and Buster's secret stash of tennis balls. We found a dead lizard with no tail; ants all over eating its flesh. Brover threw a ball at it. Finally she hit it after 6 misses. It was surely dead. We went back to the backyard through the secret passageway. Ashley tried to plug in her radio, right when Brover exclaimed,"It's sprinkling!" Me and Ash tried to see or feel it, but no luck. After 2 minutes, I felt something on my face. "Ash, it IS sprinkling, Brover was right!" I told her.
"No, it is no- oh YEAH, it IS!" Ash replied. "Roll up your sleeves, you'll feel it better!"
Then it started pouring, HARD. Ash went under the balcony for cover, warmth, and dryness, while Brover and I ran around in the rain. "It looks like you just took a shower- your hair!" Ash said to me.
Then my mom came. She talked to Ash's mom while I gathered my things, and Mom and I ran out into the hard rain. Then we drove home. And that was my weekend.The End.
Then we went back to Ash's house, telling funny stories, and stopped at Albertson's along the way. We had cheese burgers, macaroni and cheese, and green grapes for dinner. Then we had carrot cake- which was DELICIOUS, by the way. Ash then opened presents, mine being $20. Goodie bags were passed out. In them was a Kooky pen, an M&M Notebook, and 3 Reese's Peanut Butter cups.Then we washed up, went upstairs to Ash's room, watched some TV and got ready for bed. Then Brover, Zo, and Ruby got on their 3-way recliner couch, and Ash and I got on our 2-way recliner couch downstairs. We watched the end of an iCarly and a Spongebob. Then Ash put the movie, The Clique, in the DVD Player and we watched that. We finished that around 8:30, watched another Spongebob, and a Suite Life on Deck. It was around 9:45 when we turned off the TV and started to blab away- funny stories, stories of mean girls, secrets told to us by mean girls that weren't supposed to be told. We went to sleep around 10:15.
I was the first one up, at 6:45. Then Ruby, Ash, Brover, Zo. We (again) started blabbing away, but not before Ruby told Brover to get her butt out of her face and position herself right! By 7:45, we were again watching TV-while doing each other's hair, but crazy! Brover is a tomboy, so when she did Zo's hair, she put a curler in retardedly, and she also put in mini pants, a diaper, and a shoe she found in the "Hair Things" box. It was now 8:30. Buster, Ash's dog came down from Ash's brothers' room and started jumping on the couch with us. Then Ash's mom woke up, made our breakfast while we were of course blab, blab, blabbing away. We had blueberry pancakes for breakfast, with sausages and milk. Yum! We went upstairs again to Ash's room, to get dressed. Then we watched some funny videos on YouTube. After that, we helped clean up the sleeping area.Then Ruby's dad came to pick her up for Church.
Soon we were playing outside, then Zo's dad came to pick her up. Zo got her things and left. It was just Ash, Brover, and me left. We played soccer in the backyard and Ash showed us her secret passageway to her secret "house"- an old pool with no water, 3 cobwebby beach chairs, and Buster's secret stash of tennis balls. We found a dead lizard with no tail; ants all over eating its flesh. Brover threw a ball at it. Finally she hit it after 6 misses. It was surely dead. We went back to the backyard through the secret passageway. Ashley tried to plug in her radio, right when Brover exclaimed,"It's sprinkling!" Me and Ash tried to see or feel it, but no luck. After 2 minutes, I felt something on my face. "Ash, it IS sprinkling, Brover was right!" I told her.
"No, it is no- oh YEAH, it IS!" Ash replied. "Roll up your sleeves, you'll feel it better!"
Then it started pouring, HARD. Ash went under the balcony for cover, warmth, and dryness, while Brover and I ran around in the rain. "It looks like you just took a shower- your hair!" Ash said to me.
Then my mom came. She talked to Ash's mom while I gathered my things, and Mom and I ran out into the hard rain. Then we drove home. And that was my weekend.The End.
If you guys want to make a simpson of yourself, go to this website. It's really awesome but you need a non black and white, clear, well lit picture. It cannot be a profile shot. It has to be 640x480, it cannot be smaller. Get your pictures and go to the site. It's awesome. Oh, also try this other website,
Report Card!!
I got my report card today. Guess what? I got all Proficients- which are like B's- and Advanceds- which are like A's-!!! Yay. Math has been really hard lately, so I was surprised when I saw I had an Advanced for Math. :-) 1234567890+1234567890=246913578 and I did NOT do that in my head. Just kidding. Hey, do you think I should get a Facebook account? :-\
Riddle Answers

Thanks to everyone who answered the riddles. Suzanne Akemi, marc, and KeriJane, you got them right! Good job! The answer to Riddle #1 is the lady takes the goat across, takes the cabbage, and brings the goat back, takes the fox, then takes the goat back again. The answer to riddle #2 is ... He rode on a horse named Friday. Again, thanks to everyone who commented! Here are too cool optical illusions. Post your comments! {images from}
Come on, people. Please. You know you have an answer to the riddle. You know you want to comment. Mom, you're out there right? Well why don't you comment? Come on!!!!!!!!! Please!!!!!!!!!! I'm so desperate!!!!!! I added a poll, a quote and a picture of the day- how am I not popular!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! What else do I need to do? What? Really? You know? Then comment!!!!!!!!!! I'm oh so bored.... I'm oh so desperate! Do it- I'm miss wannabe popular!!!! I want people to know me!!! What else do I need???? Tell me!!!!!!!!!! :-( OK! BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-)
I'm back! Sorry I said last time I'd come with a story, but I haven't gotten to it. I DO have some riddles 4 U, though. #1's 4 U iCarly watchers- which will most likely be kids!
Riddle #1- A man goes to town on Friday. He stays in town for THREE DAYS- that's 3 days, people! And he leaves town on Friday. Is this possible- yes or no? If yes, how is it possible? Comment!
Riddle #2- A lady has a boat that is so small, it can only carry herself and one other thing. She has a cabbage, a goat, and a wolf. She needs to get them all across a river safely. The goat and wolf cannot be left alone because the wolf will eat the goat. The goat cannot be left alone with the cabbage- the goat will eat the cabbage! How can the lady get them all across the river safely? Or is this not possible? Hint- Nothing can be left behind. Nothing can be get rid of.
Comment your answers please! Next week, I will post the answers and a couple of your comments/answers. Please, please comment. It would be so sad if I had to post, "No comments were posted. So, no point in giving out the answers." What if there's people who can't comment, but they have an answer and the want to know if they want to see if they are right? It would be so sad for them. :-( Hi, mom! Hi, dad! Bye, mom! Bye, dad! Peace we out! :-) Seriously, people. Comment if U have a suggestion or something. Oh, and check out the poll, Picture of the day, and Quote of the day!!!!!
Riddle #1- A man goes to town on Friday. He stays in town for THREE DAYS- that's 3 days, people! And he leaves town on Friday. Is this possible- yes or no? If yes, how is it possible? Comment!
Riddle #2- A lady has a boat that is so small, it can only carry herself and one other thing. She has a cabbage, a goat, and a wolf. She needs to get them all across a river safely. The goat and wolf cannot be left alone because the wolf will eat the goat. The goat cannot be left alone with the cabbage- the goat will eat the cabbage! How can the lady get them all across the river safely? Or is this not possible? Hint- Nothing can be left behind. Nothing can be get rid of.
Comment your answers please! Next week, I will post the answers and a couple of your comments/answers. Please, please comment. It would be so sad if I had to post, "No comments were posted. So, no point in giving out the answers." What if there's people who can't comment, but they have an answer and the want to know if they want to see if they are right? It would be so sad for them. :-( Hi, mom! Hi, dad! Bye, mom! Bye, dad! Peace we out! :-) Seriously, people. Comment if U have a suggestion or something. Oh, and check out the poll, Picture of the day, and Quote of the day!!!!!
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