So. I have a few things to share today.
Part I
Student Council
I won. I won the position of International Baccalaureate Officer. And I spelled Baccalaureate right the first time without ANY help.
My friends. They won. They won President (Ashley), Yearbook Editor (Adira), Newspaper Editor (Alex- she's a girl, not a boy), and Secretary (Laura).
Part II
Friday the 13th
I think that's all I need to say, besides don't step on a crack, or spill salt (is that what it is?), or walk under a ladder, unless Jason will be out to get you.
Part III
Halloween Weekend and Other Stuff Part Deux
Finally it's time for Saturday. On Saturday, I went to my mom's friend's sister, Astra's house to go trick or treating. First, dad, my sister, and I went to ballet, with my sister in costume, because her ballet teacher wanted her to or something. After that, we had rehearsal for the Nutcracker. Nothing new. After rehearsal, we all drove home, put our costumes on, got our trick or treat bags, and everyone, including my cousin who was sleeping over because her mom was out of town, left, except for me and my mom. She had to put my makeup on me. After that, we left. It was barely around 5 when we got to Astra's house, so we waited- for Astra's mom and Astra's sister Asia's almost-1 daughter Kiki to get their costumes on. It was also Penny's 4th Birthday. Penny is Kiki's sister. We wished Penny a happy birthday, and went outside to take a couple of pictures. After that everyone was ready, and around 5:30, we left for candy. We got SOOOOOOO much candy, my bag was heavy halfway through! We weren't even done! Finally we stopped back at Astra's house for some water and a bathroom break, then looped around a whole 'nother 2 blocks or so. It was only 7:30 halfway through. So we went around another block, then again got back to Astra's house. Along the way, we saw a real police car with a skeleton in it on a lawn and about 7 FULLY decked-out houses, with skeletons, pumpkins, lights, zombies, tombstones, mummies, glowing red eyes, and even a huge remote control rat. It was around 8 when we left to get back home.
Now it's time for Sunday, Penny's birthday party. After rehearsal, just me and dad, I got my costume on. When we got to the park, I was pretty much the only kid wearing her costume, except for Penny. Not even my sister or brother, even though my mom said I should bring my costume. If I have to, why don't they? After the pinata, we made cupcakes with homemade frosting, sprinkles, candy corn, M&Ms, and my favorite- Funfetti cupcake mix. Those are good! After that I played on the playground with the kids (my brother, Tristan; sister, Angelina; Penny, Ecco, Eien) and my cousin. Then we had to go- me, my sister, and my dad home; my mom, cousin, and brother to go drop m cousin off at her house.
Part IV, or VI, or whatever 4 is.
I really don't have a Part 4 today. Whatever. Oops.
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