Worst sunburn ever from yesterday. Ugh, I've been sunburnt before, just not THIS badly! Who has been burned before, like REALLY badly? Do you have any advice on how to ease the pain? Man, I wish I didn't have this super-bad sunburn! What else can I talk about? Oh. Yes. The answer to the riddles from last Tuesday will be up tomorrow! So, if you know the answer to one of the riddles or both of the riddles, post them before tomorrow! You can send comments to my twitter address, twitter.com/imrosete. One person has commented an answer. But I'm not telling you who she is. Well, I am off. Gosh. That sounded like an old movie, the lady dressed up all fancy who almost hit the old hobo and veered to the side of the road and got her car stuck in the swamp. "Well. I am off. Good day to you, sir."
The beach
Yesterday I went to the beach! It was so much fun, only it'd been reduced to a party of 10. We ate lunch, then went down to the beach for some waves. I got sprayed in the face, found some awesome seashells, and jumped rope with a four-foot piece of seaweed. Bernadette and Dave (holding the slimy seaweed) sang the 'Cinderella' jump rope rhyme. ''Cinderella dressed in yellow went upstairs to see her fellas how many kisses did she get?" And I got to 24! Yay....
I wish I could show you guys the shells, but I didn't take any pictures....
Well, I gotta leave soon... I need to go get my friend's present at Target for her birthday party today at a different beach. Bye!
I wish I could show you guys the shells, but I didn't take any pictures....
Well, I gotta leave soon... I need to go get my friend's present at Target for her birthday party today at a different beach. Bye!
Yeah. Um, Celebrity Celebrating is starting next month, so.... yeah.
Oh yeah, and guess what! I'm going to the beach tomorrow with... 1, 2, 3.... 9 family friends (and my family) so that makes.... 14. Party of 14, party of 14. Please report to the beach. Well, see ya.
PS Remember, only 4 more days till the riddle answer!
Oh yeah, and guess what! I'm going to the beach tomorrow with... 1, 2, 3.... 9 family friends (and my family) so that makes.... 14. Party of 14, party of 14. Please report to the beach. Well, see ya.
PS Remember, only 4 more days till the riddle answer!
BIG announcement!!!
Hey guys, I just have a VERY big announcement to make.
Izzy's Blog now has a new, special, bimonthly post! Like my mom's "Vintage Sunday," or other people's "Monthly Question," so I am going to have a Celeb Celebrations! Every month, I am going to post some fun pictures and awesome facts about a star on their birthday! You can request celebs to celebrate, and I might just celebrate him or her! Yay! I already have some pictures ready for some celebs like Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga....
And, some celeb's celebrations are on the same day or week or month, so in one of the celebration posts it might be multiple stars.
This awesome bimonthly posting is starting later this month. Happy celeb-rating!
Izzy's Blog now has a new, special, bimonthly post! Like my mom's "Vintage Sunday," or other people's "Monthly Question," so I am going to have a Celeb Celebrations! Every month, I am going to post some fun pictures and awesome facts about a star on their birthday! You can request celebs to celebrate, and I might just celebrate him or her! Yay! I already have some pictures ready for some celebs like Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga....
And, some celeb's celebrations are on the same day or week or month, so in one of the celebration posts it might be multiple stars.
This awesome bimonthly posting is starting later this month. Happy celeb-rating!
posted by the one and only
6:38 PM
Hey you guys, I'm just kinda bored so I'm gonna show you some of my favorite pictures. All are makeover, design, and dress up games on this website. So... here they are....

My mom as a kid wearing her favorite color while playing Super Mario Brothers.

Rocker Chic (peace!)

Izzy's Pet Shop (click on image to enlarge it)

One of the best Singers ever, Lady Gaga - "Can't read my, can't read my, no he can't read my pokerface"

Another one of the best singers ever, Katy Perry - " 'Cause you're hot then you're cold, you're yes then you're no"

One of my favorite actresses when Lizzy McGuire was still on TV, Hilary Duff

I have a Betty Boop Pirate Doll I got from the Corvette Diner. I dressed this dress up doll up like her- black striped 3-quarter sleeve shirt, black skirt, X-patterned socks (but this dress up game didn't have socks, so I went with leggings) and, well, the game didn't have her boots, so, for now, she's barefoot.

My mom as a kid wearing her favorite color while playing Super Mario Brothers.

Rocker Chic (peace!)

Izzy's Pet Shop (click on image to enlarge it)

One of the best Singers ever, Lady Gaga - "Can't read my, can't read my, no he can't read my pokerface"

Another one of the best singers ever, Katy Perry - " 'Cause you're hot then you're cold, you're yes then you're no"

One of my favorite actresses when Lizzy McGuire was still on TV, Hilary Duff

I have a Betty Boop Pirate Doll I got from the Corvette Diner. I dressed this dress up doll up like her- black striped 3-quarter sleeve shirt, black skirt, X-patterned socks (but this dress up game didn't have socks, so I went with leggings) and, well, the game didn't have her boots, so, for now, she's barefoot.
New Riddles!
Hey everybody, wahatcha been up to? I've been watching TV all day, because I have a bit of a fever, and a stuffy/runny nose. I have some new riddles for you all, though. One of them's kind of easy. Got it from the awesome riddlenut.com. Here it is:
There are four girls. There are four apples in a basket. They each take an apple, but one apple still remains in the basket. How was this possible?
Just let me say something- ah, back to the old riddle days!!!! ;) Next riddle!
The "GRY" riddle...
Think of words ending in -GRY. Two of them are "angry" and "hungry. There are only three words in the English Language. What is the third word?
(Hint: ignore the first 2 sentences. They're supposed to throw you off. And they did, didn't they?) :)
The answers will be up in a week. On September 1st, 2009 exactly. At least that's not the day of my friend's birthday party the day before, or the day I'm sleeping over at my cousin's house the 3rd-4th. She has a computer, but we might be having too much fun. Not that I don't like posting on my blog, I truly do love posting. It's just that- oh, forget it! I might be able to squeeze in a new post. Bye.
(Post your answers!)
There are four girls. There are four apples in a basket. They each take an apple, but one apple still remains in the basket. How was this possible?
Just let me say something- ah, back to the old riddle days!!!! ;) Next riddle!
The "GRY" riddle...
Think of words ending in -GRY. Two of them are "angry" and "hungry. There are only three words in the English Language. What is the third word?
(Hint: ignore the first 2 sentences. They're supposed to throw you off. And they did, didn't they?) :)
The answers will be up in a week. On September 1st, 2009 exactly. At least that's not the day of my friend's birthday party the day before, or the day I'm sleeping over at my cousin's house the 3rd-4th. She has a computer, but we might be having too much fun. Not that I don't like posting on my blog, I truly do love posting. It's just that- oh, forget it! I might be able to squeeze in a new post. Bye.
(Post your answers!)
posted by the one and only
2:50 PM
Well here I am...
.... Watching ESPN at 8:30 in the morning. I'm bored. If you are bored, my advice is to
a) check out my favorite blogs to the left (in the sidebar)
b) if you are one of the people who owns one of those blogs, update! What have you been doing lately?
c) read all the posts and/or comments on my blog, and count how many there are.
That's what you can do. I've done all these things- checked out my favorite blogs, updated my blog, and counted how many posts and comments I've had. But I'm not telling you... you have to do it yourself!
a) check out my favorite blogs to the left (in the sidebar)
b) if you are one of the people who owns one of those blogs, update! What have you been doing lately?
c) read all the posts and/or comments on my blog, and count how many there are.
That's what you can do. I've done all these things- checked out my favorite blogs, updated my blog, and counted how many posts and comments I've had. But I'm not telling you... you have to do it yourself!
Yay :)
Finally Dad helped me set up the Twitter he made for me! Only following celebs though:) No tweets 4 me!
Also my friend called back from the time I left her a message asking her what she's doing for her birthday the 27th. She's having a party on the bay. Oodles of fun ;)
Also my friend called back from the time I left her a message asking her what she's doing for her birthday the 27th. She's having a party on the bay. Oodles of fun ;)
Hey guys, what a nice week it's turning out to be. Monday, the dentist's wasn't so bad, just about 15 minutes. My spit tasted really bad after though, and the right bottom sealant I got makes me feel like I lost that tooth. It hurts when I chew soft things there, and whenever I run my tongue over it a certain way it aches. Tuesday we went to the doctor's for my Nana ( she's deaf, my mom's her interpreter ), Wednesday... Um, I don't remember what I did... Thursday, I went to the park with Kaz (Kazuoland, see sidebar), Akemi (AKEMI MONSTER!), and Mister Raroo (Game Time; Moments) with my family: my mom (Wannabe!), dad, sister, and brother. Today, Akemi and Kaz came over and hung out with us, then we walked the 4-block walk to the library together. Tomorrow, Nana's coming over because mom and dad are going to an art show for their anniversary on Sunday with my great aunt, her husband, and their 2 teenage daughters. And I still haven't decided what to make for mom and dad. Any ideas? Email me (my email is in the sidebar) or comment. And remember, I need the ideas by this Sunday at the least!
I just can't believe school is starting on the 8th, not even 4 weeks away. What else can I do to have the best last few days of summer vacation? What would you do? Email me (my email address is at the left). Or comment, whichever is easier for you. I'm gonna go. See ya!
Guess who ISN'T going to the dentist to get her 2 sealants today? Me, that's who! My appointment got canceled and it's been moved to Monday next week. Well guess who wants to go watch a whole season of Wizards of Waverly Place on Netflix, me that's who! Um, yeah... I'm gonna go do that. Bye.
I'm going to the dentist's this Friday. I'm gonna get my OTHER (yes my OTHER) two sealants. Yes, I have to get 2 more... At least they won't have to numb me again. It feels the weirdest, I really just hate it. Why can't we just be born with guards on all our teeth, that way the dentists won't have to make us our custom ones when we need them, we'll just have them ready for us and they grow with our teeth, fall out with our teeth, and yes grow new ones when our permanent teeth grow in. It should be a future improvement for the birth of all new human beings. Well I'm gonna go. Bye ;)
I couldn't post 4 a whole week because the server wouldn't load... so blame the server :) I went to see 2 of you people (who read this blog) yesterday; had the best time ever. Also yesterday I went to the New Children's Museum, it's so cool! There were so many awesome activities, can't describe 'em. It's gettin' late. Bye :)
Freaky Test
I just found the freakiest online test ever. Don't skip ahead.
Think of a number from 1 to 10.
Multiply the number by 9.
If it's a 2 digit number, add the digits together.
Subtract 5.
Determine what letter of the alphabet corresponds with the number (a=1)
Think of a country that starts with that letter.
Remember the last letter of that country's name.
Think of an animal that starts with that letter.
Remember the last letter of the animal's name.
Think of a fruit that begins with that letter.
Were you thinking of a kangaroo in Denmark eating an orange?
98% of the people who took this test were.
2% of the people who take this test aren't.
Think of a number from 1 to 10.
Multiply the number by 9.
If it's a 2 digit number, add the digits together.
Subtract 5.
Determine what letter of the alphabet corresponds with the number (a=1)
Think of a country that starts with that letter.
Remember the last letter of that country's name.
Think of an animal that starts with that letter.
Remember the last letter of the animal's name.
Think of a fruit that begins with that letter.
Were you thinking of a kangaroo in Denmark eating an orange?
98% of the people who took this test were.
2% of the people who take this test aren't.
How to Annoy The Waiter :)
One day I was bored and I searched on Google the most complicated meals ever (and a whole lot of ways to bore the waiter). Here are some:
Breakfast at IHOP: "3 medium pancakes, with organic maple syrup, and margarine, perfectly cut in 1 inch by 1 inch squares, except for the edges of course, and then some perfectly scrambled eggs, 2 to be exact, for the side, lose the sausage- I hate the greasiness. Put in some bacon instead- 4 pieces. For my drink, I'd like a half a cup, but maybe... a sixth of a cup. Yes, that will do. For my dessert, I will have.... The Chocolate Trifle cake. Oooh, that sounds scrumptious! But let me put it straight how I want it. Chocolate cake on the bottom, vanilla mousse, vanilla cake, chocolate mousse, chocolate cake, chocolate pudding on top- over the vanilla frosting. Then, I want some white-chocolate and chocolate shavings sprinkled on top, I want it drowning in pudding. Make that chocolate pudding. Jeremy, honey?" ($18.94)
Lunch at Sonic: "One burger, please. Oh, and make it a veggie burger. Only put the tomatoes, pickles, and onions in it. 3 slices of each. Can I also have your Oreo shake, 1 half cup, with a whole Oreo stuck on the glass like with cocktails, and then 1 Diet Coke, fill the glass 3/4 of the way, lose the foam. Then for dessert, I want.... Well, I've been trying to go with 'snacks' as dessert, so, I'll have... the mozzarella sticks. Don't make it 3 or 5, make it 4, or else I'll have to explode at work. Well, I guess that's it... Oh, but, can you add something to the menu and name it after me? My name is Isla, and I want you to add veggie cups to the menu. 3 dollars a cup, with baby carrots, corn, and sliced pickles. I don't care if pickles aren't veggie-like, I want them in the veggie cup! Give me a veggie cup. Add it to everything. 'The Isla Veggie Cup.' Yum." ($22.50)
Dinner at Ruby's: "Could I have the chicken fingers, white meat, no breading- 2 pieces. Oh, and yes, the Amazing Double-Triple, where it goes like, bun, meat, tomato, lettuce, onion, meat, tomato, lettuce, onion, meat, bread, meat, lettuce, tomato, onion, meat, tomato, lettuce, onion, meat, tomato, lettuce, onion-bun. I'll eat all that. Um, then, a Diet Coke, just a can. Well, that, and an Oreo shake. I had one at Sonic today for lunch too. Man, I love those! Make it half-cup. Make this just between you and me- I'm on a diet, so P.S. don't give me any white rice. Oh yeah, dessert. I trying for a snacks-for-dessert week, but I blew it this morning at IHOP. I had a triple-layer Chocolate Trifle. Like, what was I thinking!? So, ya got mozzarella sticks? Cool. I'll have 4 of those, like at Sonic, again! Ha! So, didja get that?" ($31.22)
The next morning, breakfast at Mickey D's... "A number 13 please." ($2.59)
So, all of that ended up as a total of exactly $75.25. Nice job dieting and spending, Isla! :)
Breakfast at IHOP: "3 medium pancakes, with organic maple syrup, and margarine, perfectly cut in 1 inch by 1 inch squares, except for the edges of course, and then some perfectly scrambled eggs, 2 to be exact, for the side, lose the sausage- I hate the greasiness. Put in some bacon instead- 4 pieces. For my drink, I'd like a half a cup, but maybe... a sixth of a cup. Yes, that will do. For my dessert, I will have.... The Chocolate Trifle cake. Oooh, that sounds scrumptious! But let me put it straight how I want it. Chocolate cake on the bottom, vanilla mousse, vanilla cake, chocolate mousse, chocolate cake, chocolate pudding on top- over the vanilla frosting. Then, I want some white-chocolate and chocolate shavings sprinkled on top, I want it drowning in pudding. Make that chocolate pudding. Jeremy, honey?" ($18.94)
Lunch at Sonic: "One burger, please. Oh, and make it a veggie burger. Only put the tomatoes, pickles, and onions in it. 3 slices of each. Can I also have your Oreo shake, 1 half cup, with a whole Oreo stuck on the glass like with cocktails, and then 1 Diet Coke, fill the glass 3/4 of the way, lose the foam. Then for dessert, I want.... Well, I've been trying to go with 'snacks' as dessert, so, I'll have... the mozzarella sticks. Don't make it 3 or 5, make it 4, or else I'll have to explode at work. Well, I guess that's it... Oh, but, can you add something to the menu and name it after me? My name is Isla, and I want you to add veggie cups to the menu. 3 dollars a cup, with baby carrots, corn, and sliced pickles. I don't care if pickles aren't veggie-like, I want them in the veggie cup! Give me a veggie cup. Add it to everything. 'The Isla Veggie Cup.' Yum." ($22.50)
Dinner at Ruby's: "Could I have the chicken fingers, white meat, no breading- 2 pieces. Oh, and yes, the Amazing Double-Triple, where it goes like, bun, meat, tomato, lettuce, onion, meat, tomato, lettuce, onion, meat, bread, meat, lettuce, tomato, onion, meat, tomato, lettuce, onion, meat, tomato, lettuce, onion-bun. I'll eat all that. Um, then, a Diet Coke, just a can. Well, that, and an Oreo shake. I had one at Sonic today for lunch too. Man, I love those! Make it half-cup. Make this just between you and me- I'm on a diet, so P.S. don't give me any white rice. Oh yeah, dessert. I trying for a snacks-for-dessert week, but I blew it this morning at IHOP. I had a triple-layer Chocolate Trifle. Like, what was I thinking!? So, ya got mozzarella sticks? Cool. I'll have 4 of those, like at Sonic, again! Ha! So, didja get that?" ($31.22)
The next morning, breakfast at Mickey D's... "A number 13 please." ($2.59)
So, all of that ended up as a total of exactly $75.25. Nice job dieting and spending, Isla! :)
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